Browsing by Author "Soto, Manuel"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Application of Organic Wastes to Soils and Legislative Intricacies in a Circular Economy Context
Óscar, Fresnedo; Pulgar, Javier A; Soto, Manuel (Springer, 2022-03-15)[Abstract]: Currently, the absence of specific regulations on soil fertilization gives rise to sectorial normative with different regional approaches regarding application conditions, quality and other conditions that ... -
“Campus, casa, cidade: Laboratorios do cambio”, un proxecto multidisciplinar para promover a sustentabilidade ambiental e social
Torrijos, Verónica; Soto, Manuel; Vega-Marcote, Pedro; Varela-García, Francisco-Alberto; Calvo Dopico, Domingo (Universidade da Coruña, Centro Universitario de Formación e Innovación Educativa (CUFIE), 2020)[Resumo:] A sustentabilidade ambiental supón un reto estratéxico para a Universidade da Coruña (UDC). Para conseguilo, desenvólvense programas centrados na promoción de valores como a conservación dos recursos naturais e ... -
‘Campus, Home, City: Laboratories of Change’, the Education or Sustainability Program of the University of A Coruña
Soto, Manuel; Vega-Marcote, Pedro; Calvo Dopico, Domingo; Torrijos, Verónica; Dono, Martina (SDGs Center Diponegoro University, 2023-11-15)[Abstract]: The program 'Campus, home, city: laboratories of change', aims to promote the students and citizenship formation in the basic concepts of environmental and social sustainability, responding to the priority ... -
Carbon and water footprint for the recycling process of expanded polystyrene (EPS) post-consumer waste
Hidalgo, José; Soto, Manuel; Amaya-Rivas, J. L.; Santos-Méndez, M. (Elsevier, 2022-03-08)[Abstract] Plastic pollution of the natural environment is ubiquitous, and around 40% of all plastic waste produced globally is used in single-use products and only 9% is recycled. From this plastic waste, expandable ... -
Circular Economy of Expanded Polystyrene Container Production: Environmental Benefits of Household Waste Recycling Considering Renewable Energies
Hidalgo, José; Moreira, César; Jervis, Freddy; Soto, Manuel; Amaya-Rivas, J. L.; Banguera, Leonardo (Elsevier, 2022-02-02)[Abstract] Plastic industry is ubiquitous worldwide, and the generation of “plastic waste” has been steadily increasing to the point of being considered a high impact pollutant. The expanded polystyrene (EPS) plastic ... -
Combining Constructed Wetlands and UV Photolysis for the Advanced Removal of Organic Matter, Nitrogen, and Emerging Pollutants from Wastewater
Sánchez Núñez, Marta; Fernández-Pérez, María-Isabel; Ruiz, Isabel; Canle, Moisés; Soto, Manuel (MDPI, 2023-02-23)[Abstract] This study reports the performance of a three-step lab-scale system including a hybrid digester (HD), a vertical flow (VF) constructed wetland, and a photodegradation (PD) lamp, with two different arrangements ... -
Development of Technologies for Local Composting of Food Waste From Universities
Vázquez Trillo, Marcos Antonio; Plana, Ramón; Pérez, Carlos; Soto, Manuel (MDPI, 2020-05-01)[Abstract] The amount of biowaste generated by university canteens (BWUC) in the faculties of the University of A Coruña (UDC) varies between 6 and 100 kg/day. In addition, the gardening services of the campus generate ... -
Geospatial Ecological Footprint Calculators Through Participatory and Collective Processes
Varela-García, Francisco-Alberto; Torrijos, Verónica; López Fernández, Jorge; Calvo Dopico, Domingo; Soto, Manuel (Springer Nature, 2022)[Abstract:] The Environmental Office of the University of A Coruña has developed a series of participatory tools that calculate the carbon footprint of an individual in various areas (energy, mobility, water use, and waste ... -
Horizontal flow aerated constructed wetlands for municipal wastewater treatment: The influence of bed depth
Pascual Formoso, Ana; Álvarez Rodríguez, Juan Antonio; Varga, David de la; Arias Isaza, Carlos Alberto de Jesús; Oirschot, Dion van; Kilian, Rene M.; Soto, Manuel (Elsevier, 2023-11-02)[Abstract]: The influence of bed depth on the performance of aerated horizontal constructed wetlands was investigated at the pilot plant scale. Two horizontal flow subsurface constructed wetlands (HF) intensified units of ... -
Influence of Nutrients and pH on the Efficiency of Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands Treating Winery Wastewater
Sánchez Núñez, Marta; Gonzalo, Omar Gael; Yáñez, S.; Ruiz, Isabel; Soto, Manuel (Elsevier, 2021-05-04)[Abstract] Winery wastewater is characterized by high organic content, low nutrient content and low pH at least during vintage periods. The effect of nutrient shortage and low pH on constructed wetlands (CWs) operation was ... -
Informal waste pickers in Guayaquil: Recycling rates, environmental benefits, main barriers, and troubles
Hidalgo-Crespo, A.; Amaya-Rivas, J. L.; Ribeiro, Ines; Soto, Manuel; Riel, Andreas; Zwolinski, Peggy (Elsevier, 2023-09-01)[Abstract]: Systems for managing municipal solid waste are typically ineffective in developing nations because of governments' deficient financial and administrative frameworks, poor rules, and a lack of suitable infrastructure ... -
Integrated Valorization of Sargassum Muticum in Biorefineries
Flórez-Fernández, Noelia; Illera, Marta; Sánchez Núñez, Marta; Lodeiro, Pablo; Torres Pérez, María Dolores; López-Mosquera, María Elvira; Soto, Manuel; Sastre de Vicente, Manuel; Domínguez, Herminia (Elsevier, 2020-05-24)[Abstract] Marine macroalgae represent an excellent raw material for the production of bioactives, adsorbents, plant biostimulants, soil fertilizers and biogas. The success in the exploitation of seaweeds depends on their ... -
Integration of Food Waste Composting and Vegetable Gardens in a University Campus
Torrijos, Verónica; Calvo Dopico, Domingo; Soto, Manuel (Elsevier, 2021-07-01)[Abstract] Local composting (household, community and small scale applications) is considered a sustainable option for bio-waste recovery and is receiving increasing demand from society. Higher education institutions are ... -
Introduction of the Circular Economy to Expanded Polystyrene Household Waste: A Case Study From an Ecuadorian Plastic Manufacturer
Hidalgo, José; Jervis, Freddy; Moreira, César; Soto, Manuel; Amaya-Rivas, J. L. (Elsevier, 2020-08-06)[Abstract] Transition towards a more sustainable society is a complex task. The depletion of natural resources and waste generation cannot be sustained indefinitely, i.e. as waste increases, local landfills keep growing ... -
Mapeando a eficiencia no consumo da auga
Soto, Manuel; Varela-García, Francisco-Alberto; Torrijos, Verónica; Calvo Dopico, Domingo (Universidade da Coruña, Cufie, 2020)[Resumo] A enquisa sobre o consumo de auga desenvolta polo Emapic e a Oficina de Medio Ambiente da UDC é unha ferramenta en liña que ten por obxectivos crear o mapa da eficiencia no consumo de auga na Galiza e no mundo, ... -
Panel Experiencias Campus saudable
Santos-del-Riego, Sergio; Sabés, Manel; Soto, Manuel; Rial Boubeta, Javier (2017) -
Performance of and biomass characterisation in a UASB reactor treating domestic waste water at ambient temperature
Ruiz,Isabel; Soto, Manuel; Veiga, María Carmen; Ligero, Pablo; Vega Martín, Alberto de; Blázquez, R. (South African Water Research Commission, 1998-07)[Abstract] Domestic waste water from the city of A Coruña (NW Spain) was treated anaerobically in a laboratory-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) digester, at 20°C, at hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of longer ... -
Quantification and mapping of domestic plastic waste using GIS/GPS approach at the city of Guayaquil
Hidalgo, José; Álvarez-Mendoza, César I.; Soto, Manuel; Amaya-Rivas, J. L. (Elsevier, 2022-03-08)[Abstract] A significant contributor to the waste stream is the domestic single-use plastic used in households, being the final disposal in most cases the local landfill. There is a significant opportunity to promote ... -
Reflexións sobre a política ambiental de Galiza
Soto, Manuel (Universidade da Coruña, 2009) -
Removal of Emerging Pollutants by a 3-Step System: Hybrid Digester, Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland and Photodegradation Post-treatments
Sánchez Núñez, Marta; Ramos, Daniel R.; Fernández-Pérez, María-Isabel; Aguilar, Silvio D.; Ruiz, Isabel; Canle, Moisés; Soto, Manuel (Elsevier, 2022-06-22)[Abstract] The removal of emerging pollutants from municipal wastewater was studied for the first time using a three-step pilot-scale system: 1) hybrid digester (HD) as first step, 2) subsurface vertical flow constructed ...