Browsing by Author "Ramil, Alberto"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
A computer vision system for identification of granite-forming minerals based on RGB data and artificial neural networks
Ramil, Alberto; López, Ana; Pozo Antonio, José Santiago; Rivas Brea, Teresa (Elsevier, 2017-12-19)[Abstract]: Granitic stones are widely used in the field of Cultural Heritage in the north-western Iberian Peninsula. In some activities regarding conservation, such as the laser cleaning, it is of great interest the ... -
Apuntes de 730211205-Mecánica Fundamental I
Ramil, Alberto (2011-07-18) -
Apuntes de 730211211-Mecánica Fundamental II
Ramil, Alberto (2011-07-18) -
Apuntes de 730G03026, 730G05018 -Mecánica
López, Ana; Ramil, Alberto (2017) -
Building Granite Characterisation, Construction Phases, Mason’s Marks and Glyptography of Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe Church, Mouçós e Lamares, Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion
Freire, David M.; Campos, Bruno; Moreira, Patricia; Ramil, Alberto; López, Ana (Springer, 2023-03)[Abstract]: The Romanesque church of Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe of Mouçós e Lamares is located in Vila Real (North of Portugal). The exterior part of its nave is preserved almost unaltered. Most of the granite ashlars and ... -
Characterization of Talcose Rocks Derived from Serpentinite—Pilot Study in the Ultramafic Complex of Cabo Ortegal (Spain) for Potential Use and Commercialization
Pereira, Lola; Rivas Brea, Teresa; López, Ana; Ramil, Alberto; Bloise, Andrea (MDPI, 2023-11-09)[Abstract] Cabo Ortegal, in Spain, was declared a UNESCO Global Geopark in 2023. An ultramafic complex makes it a geologically exciting unit, where many research works have been carried out. Serpentinites, formed by the ... -
Colour changes in Galician granitic stones induced by UV Nd:YAG laser irradiation
Álvarez-Feal, José-Carlos; Ramil, Alberto; López, Ana; Mateo, María Paz; Yáñez, Armando (CRC, 2008)[Resumen]: estudio sobre el cambio de color del granito gallego al limpiarlo mediante láser ultravioleta -
Compositional depth profiles of gilded wood polychromes by means of LIBS
Álvarez-Feal, José-Carlos; Ramil, Alberto; Mateo, María Paz; López, Ana; Yáñez, Armando (CRC, 2008)[Resumen] Se analizan las diferentes capas existentes en retablos de maderas policromadas del periodo barroco. Se distinguen la capa base y las posteriores hasta el acabado mas superficial. Se aprecian las diferentes ... -
Considerations on the programmed functional life (one generation) of a green artificial reef in terms of the sustainability of the modified ecosystem
Carral Couce, Luis; Tarrío-Saavedra, Javier; Cartelle Barros, Juan José; Camba, C.; Ramil, Alberto; Álvarez-Feal, José-Carlos (Elsevier. Cell Press, 2023-04)[Abstract] The installation of artificial reefs serves to enhance marine ecosystems, although it also modifies them. These changes do not have to be irreversible, since it is possible to treat the functional life of an ... -
Development of processing strategies for 3D controlled laser ablation: Application to the cleaning of stonework surfaces
López, Ana; Lamas, Javier; Pozo Antonio, José Santiago; Rivas Brea, Teresa; Ramil, Alberto (Elsevier, 2020-03)[Abstract] Laser cleaning is an environmentally friendly method based on laser ablation processes to remove impurities or contaminants from a surface layer of a material. The configuration of a laser station in the case ... -
Dual Combination of Cleaning Methods (Scalpel, Biocide, Laser) To Enhance Lichen Removal From Granite
Pozo Antonio, José Santiago; Rivas Brea, Teresa; López de Silanes, María Eugenia; Ramil, Alberto; López, Ana (Elsevier, 2022-03)[Abstract] Three cleaning methods, namely i) a commercial biocide applied by brush with the subsequent extraction of organic remains by a rod, ii) a scalpel or iii) a Nd:YVO4 laser at 355 nm, single application as well as ... -
Enhancement of graffiti removal from heritage stone by combining laser ablation and application of a solvent mixture
Ricci, Chiara; Gambino, Francesca; Nervo, Marco; Piccirillo, Anna; Scarcella, Arianna; Zenucchini, Francesca; Ramil, Alberto; Pozo Antonio, José Santiago (Elsevier, 2020-11)[Abstract] In this study, it was evaluated the combined cleaning treatment based on laser ablation followed by the application of chemical products for removing alkyd graffiti paint from two different types of stone. Three ... -
Evaluation of femtosecond laser texturing on carbonate heritage stones
López, Ana; Ramil, Alberto; Freire, David M. (CRC Press, 2024)[Abstract]: The effect of femtosecond laser texturing on Carrara marble, Montesclaros marble, and Redueña dolostone was evaluated. Mineralogical characterisation, laser structuring of thin sections and hand samples of the ... -
Femtosecond Laser Removal of Antifouling Paints on Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Used in Maritime Industry
Moreno, Alicia; Lasagabaster Latorre, Aurora; Sánchez Simón, María Luisa; Lamas, Javier; Ramil, Alberto; López, Ana (Elsevier, 2025-01)[Abstract] In this work we investigated the use of ultrashort laser pulses to clean antifouling paint from samples of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP), a composite material widely used in shipbuilding. Samples were ... -
Femtosecond Laser Texturing as a Tool to Increase the Hydrophobicity of Ornamental Stone: The Influence of Lithology and Texture
López, Ana; Pozo Antonio, José Santiago; Moreno, Alicia; Rivas Brea, Teresa; Pereira, Lola; Ramil, Alberto (Elsevier, 2022-07)[Abstract] In the field of stone conservation, a very common direct intervention seeks to increase the water repellence of objects. By limiting the interaction between the solid and the water, the possibility of alteration ... -
Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation for paint removal at oblique illumination: effect of the incidence angle
Moreno, Alicia; López, Ana; Lamas, Javier; Ramil, Alberto (Elsevier, 2022-06-09)[Abstract] This research studies how the angle of incidence affects the ablation process when a pulsed femtosecond laser with a wavelength of 1040 nm and a high repetition rate is applied to spray paints used for graffiti. ... -
Influence of the commercial finishes of ornamental granites on roughness, colour and reflectance
López, Ana; Pozo-Antonio, José Santiago; Ramil, Alberto; Rivas Brea, Teresa (Elsevier, 2018-09)[Abstract] The effects of the four common commercial finishes (polished, honed, disc cutting and bush hammering) on several properties of ornamental granites were evaluated. Two granites of different texture, widely used ... -
Influence of the weathering rate on the response of granite to nanosecond UV laser irradiation
Rivas Brea, Teresa; Pozo Antonio, José Santiago; Ramil, Alberto; López, Ana (Elsevier, 2019-12-13)[Abstract]: Laser ablation is an accepted cleaning technology for cultural heritage stonework. Optimized laser ablation may,however, have different side effects depending on the mineralogical composition of the stone. In ... -
La investigación gallega en la aplicación de la tecnología láser para la limpieza de patrimonio cultural material: estrategias del pasado y del futuro
Pozo Antonio, José Santiago; Rivas Brea, Teresa; Ramil, Alberto; López, Ana (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023-12-22)[Abstract] The cleaning of cultural heritage elements is essential to ensure the durability and transmission of our cultural and artistic legacy. In Galicia, the importance of our stone-built heritage reflects the skill ... -
Laser versus scalpel cleaning of crustose lichens on granite
Rivas Brea, Teresa; Pozo Antonio, José Santiago; Ramil, Alberto; López, Ana (Elsevier, 2018-02-28)[Abstract]: This paper addresses the evaluation of the cleaning of crustose lichens developing on granite. The evaluation was performed considering the effectiveness of the cleanings and harmfulness exerted on the granite. ...