• 3er. Congreso de Salvamento y Socorrismo de Galicia 

      Palacios-Aguilar, José; Sánchez Castro, Manuel; García-Soidán, J.L.; Couceiro del Pino, Isabel; Barbeito Seoane, Noelia; Nieva Pastor, Juan Miguel; Magán García, Marcial; Ponte Maestre, Manuel C.; Agulló Leal, Fernando Luis; Abruñedo Fraga, José Luis; Abraldes Valeiras, José Arturo; Barcala-Furelos, Roberto; Vales Porto, Carlos; López-Rodríguez, Jesús (Fundación IDISSA, 2004)
      [Resumen] Los días 17, 18 y 19 de octubre de 2003 se celebró en Sanxenxo (Pontevedra) el "3er. Congreso de Salvamento y Socorrismo de Galicia", que contó con los respaldos de las Universidades de A Coruña y Vigo. En este ...
    • Cooperación en reciprocidad con modelos más realistas 

      Faíña, José Andrés; García Lorenzo, Antonio; López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Varela-Candamio, Laura (Universidade da Coruña, 2021)
    • Cooperación y conflicto entre las personas 

      Faíña, José Andrés; García Lorenzo, Antonio; López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Varela-Candamio, Laura (Universidade da Coruña, 2021)
    • Economic Convergence in the Spanish Regions: the Role of the European Funds and the Transport Infrastructure Endowment (1989–2017) 

      López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Montes-Solla, Paulino (Springer, 2023)
      [Abstract] Convergence is one of the fundamental objectives of the EU to achieve cohesion among its regions. The paper analyzes the process of economic convergence among Spanish regions focusing mainly on the impact of ...
    • La estructura espacial de Galicia. Análisis a partir del cálculo de los potenciales de mercado a nivel comarcal, 1991-2016 

      López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Manso Fernandez, Guillermo (Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2018)
      [Resumen]: En este artículo se analiza la distribución espacial de la actividad económica en las comarcas de Galicia a través del cálculo del potencial de mercado de Harris (1954) y los índices de Gini y curvas de Lorenz ...
    • European Union regional policy and development in Spain: capital widening and productivity stagnation over 1989–2010 

      Faiña, José Andrés; López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Montes-Solla, Paulino (Routledge/Francis & Taylor, 2020)
      [Abstract]: Total Factor Productivity in Spain over 1989-2010 has followed a decreasing trend. This paper seeks to answer to what degree the investments in transport infrastructure supported by the European Union Regional ...
    • Firm-location, regional weather conditions and bid pricing strategies in Colombian wholesale electricity market 

      García Rendón, John Jairo; López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Moncada-Mesa, Jhonny (Routledge/Francis & Taylor, 2022)
      [Abstract]: Weather conditions in Colombia vary greatly throughout the territory. This fact, in the context of the Colombian wholesale electricity plays a key role in the bid pricing strategies and in the intensity of the ...
    • Geographical Economics and Income Disparities Across Ecuadorian Regions: Analysis for the period 2007-2014 

      López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Sotomayor-Pereira, Jorge-Guido (International Strategic Management Association, 2018)
      [Abstract] This paper focuses on the analysis of the role played by market potential in the spatial income structure observed in Ecuador over the period 2007-2014. Based on the geographical economics theory we derive the ...
    • Gobiernos, instituciones y cooperación internacional 

      Faíña, José Andrés; García Lorenzo, Antonio; López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Varela-Candamio, Laura (Universidade da Coruña, 2021)
    • Income disparities in Colombia: Market potential and neighborhood effects 

      López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Vasquez-Roldan, Julian S. (Routledge/Francis & Taylor, 2020)
      [Abstract]: Market potential has been shown to have an important impact on the explanation of observed income disparities both across countries and across regions within countries. However, the importance of neighbourhood ...
    • Market potential and the curse of distance in European regions 

      Bruna, Fernando; Faíña, José Andrés; López-Rodríguez, Jesús (University Library of Munich, 2014-06)
      [Abstract] In the context of the New Economic Geography (NEG) wage equation, the ‘curse of distance’ is the tendency of peripheral regions to have lower income because of being far from the main markets, as captured by a ...
    • Market Potential, Spatial Dependences and Spillovers in European Regions 

      Bruna, Fernando; López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Faíña, José Andrés (Taylor & Francis, 2016)
      [Abstract] This paper reinterprets the New Economic Geography (NEG) ‘wage’ equation by dis-tinguishing two different types of spatial dependences: global spatial trend and local spa-tial autocorrelation. A measure of Market ...
    • Reglas e incentivos: propiedad privada vs. comunal 

      Faíña, José Andrés; García Lorenzo, Antonio; López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Varela-Candamio, Laura (Universidade da Coruña, 2021)
    • Returns to schooling in Spain: 2008-2019 

      López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Faíña, José Andrés; Villasenín Ramos, Mabel Haydée (Weissberg, 2021)
      [Abstract]: The empirical literature dealing with returns to schooling in Spain is quite scarce. This paper estimates private returns to schooling in Spain over 2008-2019. While average years of schooling increased steadily ...
    • Spatial structure and regional growth in the European Union 

      López-Rodríguez, Jesús (2002)
      [Resumen]En esta tesis se analiza la estructura espacial de Europa utilizando la técnica de los modelos de gravedad y como consecuencia de los resultados de este análisis especial se estudian los procesos de convergencia ...
    • Tax reforms in Spain: efficiency levels and distributional patterns. 

      Guerra, Ana-Isabel; Varela-Candamio, Laura; López-Rodríguez, Jesús (Francis & Taylor/Routledge, 2020)
      [Abstract]: This paper approximates the efficiency levels of the most relevant tax categories and their distributional patterns for a European country considering Spain as an illustrative example. This is done computing ...
    • The “fractal dimension” of the market potential-human capital relation 

      López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Manso Fernández, Guillermo; Barreiro Viñán, José Manuel (Routledge/Francis & Taylor, 2021)
      [Abstract]: The empirical analysis of the impact of market potential on the spatial distribution of human capital has often taken the approach of using samples of large economic areas (world sample of countries, Europe, ...
    • Theoretical Aspects of the Strategic Management Decision-Making of Companies 

      Apolo-Vivanco, Nervo Jonpiere; López-Rodríguez, Jesús; Sotomayor-Pereira, Jorge-Guido (Springer, 2021)
      [Abstract]: This chapter analyses theoretical aspects of decision making within the strategic management process in companies. To make decisions it is necessary to analyse the problem from the knowledge and understanding ...