Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Incremental Learning from Low-labelled Stream Data in Open-Set Video Face Recognition 

      López-López, Eric; Pardo, Xosé Manuel; Regueiro, Carlos V. (Elsevier, 2022)
      [Abstract] Deep Learning approaches have brought solutions, with impressive performance, to general classification problems where wealthy of annotated data are provided for training. In contrast, less progress has been ...
    • Incremental Learning Through Unsupervised Adaptation in Video Face Recognition 

      López-López, Eric (2021)
      [Resumo] Durante a última década, os métodos baseados en deep learning trouxeron un salto significativo no rendemento dos sistemas de visión artificial. Unha das claves neste éxito foi a creación de grandes conxuntos ...
    • Towards a Self-Sufficient Face Verification System 

      López-López, Eric; Regueiro, Carlos V.; Pardo, Xosé Manuel; Franco, Annalisa; Lumini, Alessandra (Elsevier, 2021)
      [Abstract] The absence of a previous collaborative manual enrolment represents a significant handicap towards designing a face verification system for face re-identification purposes. In this scenario, the system must learn ...