Browsing by Author "Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo"
Now showing items 1-20 of 127
A 120-second stretch improves postural control and plantar pressure: quasi-experimental study
Martínez-Jiménez, Eva María; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; González-Martín, Sara; López-López, Daniel; Roca Dols, Andrea; Rodríguez Sanz, David; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Calvo-Lobo, César (Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 2022-05)[Abstract] BACKGROUND: There are no studies on long-term bilateral calf stretching in relation to balance and plantar pressure. OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate that there is better control of posture and pressures after ... -
Acute Effects of Intermittent Versus Continuous Bilateral Ankle Plantar Flexor Static Stretching on Postural Sway and Plantar Pressures: A Randomized Clinical Trial
López-López, Daniel; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Palomo-López, Patricia; Calvo-Lobo, César; Rodríguez-Sanz, David; Martínez-Jiménez, Eva María; Díaz-Velázquez, José Ignacio (MDPI, 2019-01)[Abstract] Postural balance and fall efficacy (self-perceived confidence in performing daily physical activities) have been found to be risk factors associated with falls in older adults. Stretching is one intervention ... -
Age-Based Inter-Subject Variability in Platelet and Whiteblood Cell Concentrations of Platelet-Rich Plasma Preparedusing a New Application to Blood Separation System
Trevissón Redondo, Bibiana; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Sevillano Fernández, David; González Hidalgo, Natalia; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; López-López, Daniel; Alou, Luis (Wiley, 2021-06)[Abstract] The benefit of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment is still underdiscussion. Variations in PRP products, consequence of the lack of astandardised protocol for the multitude of commercially available ... -
Allergic Rhinitis Improvement After Septorhinoplasty in a Sample of Allergic Rhinitis Patients With Septal Deviation: A Quasi-Experimental Study
López-López, Daniel; García Paz, Vanesa; Chamorro-Petronacci, Cintia Micaela; Painceira-Villar, Roi; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Pérez Sayáns, Mario; Sarandeses-García, Adolfo (APM, 2022-01)[Abstract] BACKGROUND: Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects almost 30% of the adult population. OBJECTIVE: To describe and compare the evolution of symptoms in patients diagnosed ... -
An Automated Blood Pressure Display for Self-Measurement in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease (iHealth Track): Device Validation Study
Mazoteras-Pardo, Victoria; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; López-López, Daniel; Calvo-Lobo, César; Rodríguez Sanz, David; Martínez-Jiménez, Eva María; Palomo-López, Patricia (JMIR Publications, 2020-04)[Abstract] Background: Hypertension is a global public health issue and is closely related to chronic kidney disorder (CKD). In people with CKD, strict monitoring of blood pressure is an important part of therapy. Objective: ... -
An unusual presentation of postaxial polydactyly of the foot
López-López, Daniel; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Casanovas, Adolfo Laureano Bautista (Wiley, 2017-10)[Abstract] A 6-month-old Caucasian baby is described with a postaxial polydactyly of the letf foot. Radiographic examination revealed the accessory digit was composed of soft tissue, some with a tiny osseous element, ... -
Analysis of Static Plantar Pressures in School-Age Children with and without Functional Hallux Limitus: A Case-Control Study
López-López, Daniel; Cuevas-Martínez, Claudia; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Casado-Hernández, Israel; Turné-Cárceles, Oriol; Pérez Palma, Laura; Martiniano, Joao; Gómez Salgado, Juan (MDPI, 2023-05)[Abstract] Abstract: Background: The presence of hallux limitus in adulthood is frequently encountered in clinical practice, generating other biomechanical, structural, and functional compensations in dynamics secondary ... -
Anatomic and Histological Features of the Extensor Digitorum Longus Tendon Insertion in the Proximal Nail Matrix of the Second Toe
Palomo-López, Patricia; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Rodríguez Sanz, David; Calvo-Lobo, César; Murillo-González, Jorge Alfonso; López-López, Daniel (MDPI AG, 2020-03)[Abstract] Background: Anatomic and histological landmarks of the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) tendon insertion in the proximal nail matrix may be key aspects during surgery exposure in order to avoid permanent nail ... -
Anatomic Association of the Proximal Fingernail Matrix to the Extensor Pollicis Longus Tendon: a morphological and histological study
Palomo-López, Patricia; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; López-López, Daniel; Calvo-Lobo, César; Herrera-Lara, Manuel; Murillo-González, Jorge Alfonso; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena (MDPI, 2018)[Abstract] Background: Extensor tendon disorders may cause severe functional impairments, and there is a lack of knowledge about their anatomic associations with the proximal fingernail matrix. Objective: To delineate the ... -
Anatomic relationship of the proximal nail matrix to the extensor hallucis longus tendon insertion
Palomo-López, Paticia; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; López-López, Daniel; Prados Frutos, Juan Carlos; Murillo-González, Jorge Alfonso; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena (Wiley, 2015-03)[Abstract] Background The purpose of this study was to delineate the relationship of the terminal extensor hallucis longus tendon insertion to the proximal limit of the nail matrix of the great toe. Material and ... -
Approach to the history of bioethics in the professional education of podiatry in Spain
López-López, Daniel; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Ramos Galván, José; Bouza Prego, Mª Ángeles; Munuera-Martínez, Pedro V. (AMB, 2016-01) -
Assessment and indicators of hallux limitus related with quality of life and foot health in school children
Cuevas-Martínez, Claudia; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Navarro Flores, Emmanuel; Pérez Palma, Laura; Martiniano, Joao; López-López, Daniel; Casado-Hernández, Israel; Gómez Salgado, Juan (Frontiers, 2023-12)[Abstract] Background: Functional Hallux Limitus (FHL) is a dynamic foot dysfunction characterized by a limitation of hallux dorsiflexion when the first metatarsal head is under load. FHL plays a role in the development ... -
Association between anterior talofibular ligament injury and ankle tendon, ligament, and joint conditions revealed by magnetic resonance imaging
Casado-Hernández, Israel; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Santiago-Nuño, Fernando; Mazoteras-Pardo, Victoria; López-López, Daniel; Rodríguez Sanz, David; Calvo-Lobo, César (2021)[Abstract] Background: The lateral ankle ligament complex is the most frequently injured ligament secondary to strong ankle inversion movement during lateral ankle sprains (LAS). Among these injuries, anterior talofibular ... -
Association between sex differences on foot health related to the quality of life in a sample of sedentary people
López-López, Daniel; Cancela Carral, Xosé María; Araujo, Romeu; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Rodríguez-Sanz, David; Calvo-Lobo, César (AMB, 2019-02)[Abstract] Sedentary (sitting) time may produce many anatomical and physiological consequences which are supposedly associated with a decreased quality of life (QoL) related to foot health. Accordingly, this study aimed ... -
Asthma, Much More Than a Respiratory Disease: Influence of Depression and Anxiety
López-López, Daniel; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; San Antolín, Marta; Calvo-Lobo, César; Dacal-Quintas, Raquel; Álvarez-Calderón Iglesias, Óscar; Hurtado-Ruzza, Rafael (AMB, 2021-04)[Abstract] OBJECTIVE: The goals of this study are to compare self-reported depression and anxiety in subjects diagnosed of asthma and healthy controls. METHODS: We designed a case-control study. Subjects were recruited ... -
Biomarkers and Nutrients in Musculoskeletal Disorders
Calvo-Lobo, César; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Rodríguez-Sanz, David; López-López, Daniel; San Antolín, Marta (MDPI, 2021-01) -
Burnout, resilience and psychological flexibility in frontline nurses during the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020) in Madrid, Spain
Jiménez Fernández, Raquel; Corral-Liria, Inmaculada; Trevissón Redondo, Bibiana; López-López, Daniel; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo (Wiley, 2022)[Abstract] Background: In April 2020, Spain was the country with the highest number of patients infected by COVID-19 in Europe. The pressure on health care providers has had a direct impact on nurses and their mental ... -
Calcetín para plantalgias
López-López, Daniel; Alonso-Tajes, Francisco; Rosende-Bautista, Carolina; Álvarez Castro, Carlos Javier; Álvarez-Calderón Iglesias, Óscar; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, 2016)[Resumen] La invención se refiere a un calcetín que presenta en la zona inferior dos capas de diámetro constante en toda su longitud. La capa más externa presenta una ranura longitudinal a nivel de la zona subdigital ... -
Clinical Aspects of Foot Health and Their Influence on Quality of Life Among Breast Cancer Survivors: A Case-Control Study
López-López, Daniel; Palomo-López, Patricia; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Rodríguez Sanz, David; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Calvo-Lobo, César; Guerrero-Martín, Jorge (Dove Press, 2017-11)[Abstract] Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze and compare foot health and general health in a sample of women divided into two groups: 1) those with breast cancer and undergoing chemotherapy treatment and 2) ... -
Clinical Aspects of Foot Health in Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease
López-López, Daniel; Grela Fariña, Marta; Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena; Calvo-Lobo, César; Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, Ricardo; Rodríguez Sanz, David; Palomo-López, Patricia (MDPI, 2018-02)[Abstract] Alzheimer’s disease (AD) shows a marked presence of physiologic changes and the start or aggravation of underlying diseases such as physical frailty in diverse anatomical regions. It is believed to have a ...