Browsing by Subject "Machiavellianism"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Adaptation of the short dark triad (SD3) to spanish adolescents
(MDPI, 2024-06-04)[Abstract] (1) Background: The dark triad refers to a personality configuration mainly characterized by the presence of Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy. Even though adolescence is a critical stage in the ... -
La falta de apego: consecuencia del maquiavelismo y el abuso infantil
(2019)[Resumo] Esta investigación levouse a cabo co obxectivo de demostrar en que hai nenos que mostran un destacamento cara aos seus pais e, en caso afirmativo, cales son os motivos que levaron a unha situación semellante ao ... -
Influencia de los rasgos oscuros de la personalidad sobre comportamientos afectivo-sexuales socialmente rechazables
(2023)[Resumen] En el ámbito del estudio de la personalidad socialmente aversiva, un modelo que ha ganado prominencia es la “triada oscura de la personalidad”, inicialmente compuesta por maquiavelismo, narcisismo y psicopatía, ... -
Revenge in Couple Relationships and Their Relation to the Dark Triad
(MDPI, 2021-07-19)[Abstract] Background: This research examines how, when a romantic partner commits a perceived transgression that leads to couple break up, vengeful reactions are predicted by the type of transgression and the Dark Triad ... -
The Dark Triad and the Detection of Parental Judicial Manipulators. Development of a Judicial Manipulation Scale
(2020)[Abstract] This research examines the relationship between dark triad and the use that some parents make of their children in order to attack the other parent after a couple break-up. We examined whether parents who are ...