• Cambios na percepción para a conservación do oso pardo 

      García Lorenzo, José Luis (Universidade da Coruña, 2007)
      [Resumo] No presente artigo explícase a importancia de traballar en positivo, xunto aos axentes económicos e sociais que interveñen no territorio, para conseguir cambios de actitude sociais que faciliten a conservación do ...
    • Fossil Brown Bears of Slovakia 

      Sabol, M. (Universidade da Coruña, 2001)
      [Abstract] The fossil remains of bears are very frequently found in the karst sediments of the Western Carpathians. Besides cave bears, two taxa of fossil brown bears (Ursus tauba -chensis, Ursus arctos priscus) have been ...
    • The updated record of cave bear and other members of the genus Ursus on the territory of Czech Republic 

      Wagner, J. (Universidade da Coruña, 2001)
      [Abstract] During the 2nd half of 20th century, a succession of new Pleistocene localities was discovered and some classical paleontological sites were revised. From many of those places also bear remains were recorded. ...