• A Genetic Programming-Based Low-Level Instructions Robot for Realtimebattle 

      Romero, Juan; Santos-del-Riego, Antonino; Carballal, Adrián; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Santos, Iria; Torrente-Patiño, Álvaro; Tuñas, Juan; Machado, Penousal (MDPI AG, 2020)
      [Abstract]: RealTimeBattle is an environment in which robots controlled by programs fight each other. Programs control the simulated robots using low-level messages (e.g., turn radar, accelerate). Unlike other tools like ...
    • A point-based redesign algorithm for designing geometrically complex surfaces. A case study: Miralles's croissant paradox 

      Carballal, Adrián; Pazos Pérez, Rafael Iván; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Santos, Iria; García-Vidaurrázaga, María D.; Rabuñal, Juan R. (Jonh Wiley & Sons, 2020)
      [Abstract]: This study explores the use of point clouds for both representation and genetic morphogenesis of complex geometry. The accurate representation of existing objects of complex curved geometry, which are subsequently ...
    • A review on machine learning approaches and trends in drug discovery 

      Carracedo-Reboredo, Paula; Liñares Blanco, Jose; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Cedrón, Francisco; Novoa, Francisco; Carballal, Adrián; Maojo, Víctor; Pazos, A.; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos (Research Network of Computational and Structural Biotechnology, 2021)
      Abstract: Drug discovery aims at finding new compounds with specific chemical properties for the treatment of diseases. In the last years, the approach used in this search presents an important component in computer science ...
    • Artificial Intelligence Applied to Conceptual Design. A Review of Its Use in Architecture 

      Castro, M. Luz; Carballal, Adrián; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Santos, Iria; Romero, Juan (Elsevier, 2021)
      [Abstract] Conceptual architectural design is a complex process that draws on past experience and creativity to generate new designs. The application of artificial intelligence to this process should not be oriented toward ...
    • Avoiding the Inherent Limitations in Datasets Used for Measuring Aesthetics When Using a Machine Learning Approach 

      Carballal, Adrián; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Castro, M. Luz; Santos-del-Riego, Antonino (Hindawi Limited, 2019)
      [Abstract]: An important topic in evolutionary art is the development of systems that can mimic the aesthetics decisions made by human begins,e.g., fitness evaluations made by humans using interactive evolution in generative ...
    • Comparison of Outlier-Tolerant Models for Measuring Visual Complexity 

      Carballal, Adrián; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Santos, Iria; Romero, Juan (MDPI AG, 2020-04-24)
      [Abstract] Providing the visual complexity of an image in terms of impact or aesthetic preference can be of great applicability in areas such as psychology or marketing. To this end, certain areas such as Computer Vision ...
    • Digital Image Quality Prediction System 

      Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Santos, Iria; Torrente-Patiño, Álvaro; Carballal, Adrián (MDPI AG, 2020-08-19)
      [Abstract] “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Based on this well-known adage, we can say that images are important in our society, and increasingly so. Currently, the Internet is the main channel of socialization and ...
    • Estimulación musical temprana en casa: propuesta de aplicación móvil 

      Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Santos, Iria; Cedrón, Francisco; Santos, Antonino; Romero, Juan; Carballal, Adrián (REDINE, Red de Investigación e Innovación Educativa, 2020)
    • Redesign and performance of an automatic segmentation method 

      Carballal, Adrián; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Nóvoa, Francisco; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Santos, Iria; García-Guimaraes, Marcos; Aldama López, Guillermo; Calviño-Santos, Ramón; Vázquez Rodríguez, José Manuel; Pazos, A. (MDPI, 2018-09-05)
      [Resumen] La información más relevante de las angiografías coronarias se extrae empleando técnicas de segmentación, que pueden ser automáticas, semiautomáticas o manuales. Existen numerosos algoritmos de segmentación ...
    • Sistema automático de predicción estética basado en Computación Evolutiva y Deep Learning 

      Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida (2022)
      [Resumen] Actualmente, con el auge de las redes sociales, acostumbramos a tomar decisiones en función del valor estético de las imágenes. En el comercio electrónico, por ejemplo, tomamos decisiones de compra en función de ...
    • State of the Art on Artificial Intelligence in Land Use Simulation 

      Castro, M. Luz; Machado, Penousal; Santos, Iria; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Torrente-Patiño, Álvaro; Carballal, Adrián (Hindawi Limited, 2022)
      [Abstract] This review presents a state of the art in artificial intelligence applied to urban planning and particularly to land-use predictions. In this review, different articles after the year 2016 are analyzed mostly ...
    • Towards Automatic Image Enhancement with Genetic Programming and Machine Learning 

      Correia, Joao; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Vieira, Leonardo; Romero, Juan; Machado, Penousal (MDPI, 2022)
      [Abstract] Image Enhancement (IE) is an image processing procedure in which the image’s original information is improved, highlighting specific features to ease post-processing analyses by a human or machine. State-of-the-art ...
    • Validation of an Aesthetic Assessment System for Commercial Tasks 

      Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Álvarez-González, S.; Santos, Iria; Torrente-Patiño, Álvaro; Carballal, Adrián; Romero, Juan (MDPI, 2022)
      [Abstract] Automatic prediction of the aesthetic value of images has received increasing attention in recent years. This is due, on the one hand, to the potential impact that predicting the aesthetic value has on practical ...
    • Wi-Fi Handshake: analysis of password patterns in Wi-Fi networks 

      Carballal, Adrián; Galego Carro, José Pablo; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos (PEERJ INC, 2022)
      [Abstract]: This article seeks to provide a snapshot of the security of Wi-Fi access points in the metropolitan area of A Coruña. First, we discuss the options for obtaining a tool that allows the collection and storage ...