• Efficient Database Evolution in Digital Library Reengineering 

      Ramos-Vidal, Delfina; Brisaboa, Nieves R. (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)
      [Abstract] With the advancement of internet applications, extensive information systems were created to effectively manage and provide easy access to documents, which coincided with a global initiative to convert physical ...
    • Re-ingeniería y Modernización de la Biblioteca Virtual Galega 

      Ramos-Vidal, Delfina; Cortiñas, Alejandro; Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Pedreira, Óscar; Saavedra Places, Ángeles (Sistedes, 2021)
      [Resumen]: La Biblioteca Virtual Galega (BVG) es una biblioteca digital de referencia en literatura gallega de todos los tiempos, para el público general y especialmente para centros de educación de enseñanza obligatoria ...
    • Tool for SPARQL Querying over Compact RDF Representations 

      Ramos-Vidal, Delfina; Bernardo, Guillermo de (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] We present an architecture for the efficient storing and querying of large RDF datasets. Our approach seeks to store RDF datasets in very little space while offering complete SPARQL functionality. To achieve ...
    • Tool for the Semi-automatic Generation of Software for Digital Libraries 

      Ramos-Vidal, Delfina (2020)
      [Abstract] The objective of this end-of-degree thesis is to develop a tool that allows generating source code for different applications with features from the domain of Digital Libraries. In order to achieve this goal, ...