• Evaluation of 12 GWAS-drawn SNPs as biomarkers of rheumatoid arthritis response to TNF inhibitors. A potential SNP association with response to etanercept 

      Ferreiro-Iglesias, Aida; Montes, Ariana; Pérez-Pampin, Eva; Cañete, Juan D.; Raya, Enrique; Magro-Checa, César; Vasilopoulos, Yiannis; Cáliz, Rafael; Ferrer, Miguel Ángel; Joven, Beatriz; Carreira, Patricia; Balsa, Alejandro; Pascual-Salcedo, Dora; Blanco García, Francisco J; Moreno-Ramos, Manuel J.; Manrique-Arija, Sara; Ordoñez, María del Carmen; Alegre-Sancho, Juan J.; Narváez, Javier; Navarro-Sarabia, Federico; Moreira, Viriginia; Valor, Lara; García-Portales, Rosa; Márquez, Ana; Gómez-Reino, Juan J.; Martín, Javier; González, Antonio (PLoS, 2019-02-28)
      [Abstract] Research in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is increasingly focused on the discovery of biomarkers that could enable personalized treatments. The genetic biomarkers associated with the response to TNF inhibitors (TNFi) ...
    • Lack of replication of interactions between polymorphisms in rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility: case–control study 

      Ferreiro-Iglesias, Aida; Calaza, Manuel; Pérez-Pampin, Eva; López-Longo, J.; Marenco, José L.; Blanco García, Francisco J; Narváez, Javier; Navarro, Federico; Cañete, Juan D.; Rodríguez de la Serna, Arturo; González-Álvaro, Isidoro; Herrero-Beaumont, Gabriel; Pablos, José L.; Balsa, Alejandro; Fernández-Gutiérrez, Benjamín; Cáliz, Rafael; Gómez-Reino, Juan J.; González, Antonio (BioMed Central, 2014-09-27)
      [Abstract] INTRODUCTION: Approximately 100 loci have been definitively associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) susceptibility. However, they explain only a fraction of RA heritability. Interactions between polymorphisms ...
    • Prevalence of symptomatic axial osteoarthritis phenotypes in Spain and associated socio-demographic, anthropometric, and lifestyle variables 

      Silva-Díaz, María T.; Blanco García, Francisco J; Quevedo Vila, Víctor; Seoane-Mato, Daniel; Pérez-Ruiz, Fernando; Juan-Mas, Antonio; Pego-Reigosa, José M.; Narváez, Javier; Quilis, Neus; Cortés, Raúl; Romero-Pérez, Antonio; Fábregas Canales, Dolores; Font Gayá, Teresa; Bordoy Ferrer, Carolina; Prado-Galbarro, Francisco Javier; Sánchez-Piedra, Carlos; Díaz-González, Federico; Bustabad-Reyes, Sagrario (Springer, 2021-11-10)
      [Abstract] Objective. Axial osteoarthritis (OA) is a common cause of back and neck pain, however, few studies have examined its prevalence. The aim was to estimate the prevalence and the characteristics of symptomatic axial ...
    • Prevalencia de artrosis sintomática en España: estudio EPISER2016 

      Blanco García, Francisco J; Silva-Díaz, María T.; Quevedo Vila, Víctor; Seoane-Mato, Daniel; Pérez Ruiz, Fernando; Juan-Mas, Antonio; Pego-Reigosa, J.; Narváez, Javier; Quilis, Neus; Cortés, Raúl; Romero Pérez, Antonio; Fábregas Canales, Dolores; Font Gayá, Teresa; Bordoy Ferrer, Carolina; Sánchez-Piedra, Carlos; Díaz-González, Federico; Bustabad, Sagrario (Elsevier, 2020-04-28)
      [Resumen] Introducción. La Sociedad Española de Reumatología elaboró en el año 2000 el estudio EPISER2000 para conocer la prevalencia de la artrosis y otras enfermedades reumáticas en España. Los cambios sociodemográficos ...
    • Rheumatoid arthritis response to treatment across IgG1 allotype – anti-TNF incompatibility: a case-only study 

      Montes, Adriana; Pérez-Pampin, Eva; Navarro-Sarabia, Federico; Moreira, Virginia; Rodríguez de la Serna, Arturo; Magallanes, Berta; Vasilopoulos, Yiannis; Sarafidou, Theologia; Fernández.Nebro, Antonio; Ordóñez, María del Carmen; Narváez, Javier; Cañete, Juan D.; Márquez, Ana; Pascual-Salcedo, Dora; Joven, Beatriz; Carreira, Patricia; Moreno-Ramos, Manuel J.; Cáliz, Rafael; Ferrer, Miguel Ángel; García-Portales, Rosa; Blanco García, Francisco J; Magro, César; Raya, Enrique; Valor, Lara; Alegre-Sancho, Juan J.; Balsa, Alejandro; Martín, Javier; Plant, Darren; Isaacs, John; Morgan, Ann W.; Barton, Anne; Wilson, Anthony G. (BioMed Central, 2015-03-18)
      [Abstract] INTRODUCTION: We have hypothesized that incompatibility between the G1m genotype of the patient and the G1m1 and G1m17 allotypes carried by infliximab (INX) and adalimumab (ADM) could decrease the efficacy of ...
    • There is something you must see: breaking down the remission concept in rheumatoid arthritis from a rheumatologist's perspective 

      Acebes, Carlos; Andreu, José Luis; Balsa, Alejandro; Batlle, Enrique; De-Toro, Javier; García Llorente, Francisco; Hernández Miguel, María Victoria; Fernández-Gutiérrez, Benjamín; Hidalgo-Calleja, Cristina; Mayordomo, Lucía; Naredo, Esperanza; Narváez, Javier; Fernández Ortiz, Ana María; Pablos, José L.; Pérez-Sandoval, Trinidad; Rodríguez-Lozano, Carlos; Sánchez-Pernaute, Olga; Usón, Jacqueline; Negrón, José Bernardo; Loza, Estíbaliz; Carmona, Loreto; Gómez Castro, Susana; Montoro Álvarez, María (Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 2020-01)
      [Abstract] Objectives: To explore the remission concept in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and the implications of the existing definitions when applied to clinical practice among rheumatologists with different profiles. Methods: ...
    • Validation study of genetic biomarkers of response to TNF inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis 

      López-Rodríguez, Rosario; Pérez-Pampin, Eva; Márquez, Ana; Blanco García, Francisco J; Joven, Beatriz; Carreira, Patricia; Ferrer, Miguel Ángel; Cáliz, Rafael; Valor, Lara; Narváez, Javier; Cañete, Juan D.; Ordóñez, María del Carmen; Manrique-Arija, Sara; Vasilopoulos, Yiannis; Balsa, Alejandro; Pascual-Salcedo, Dora; Moreno-Ramos, Manuel J.; Alegre-Sancho, Juan José; Navarro-Sarabia, Federico; Moreira, Virginia; García-Portales, Rosa; Raya, Enrique; Magro-Checa, Rosa; Martín, Javier; Gómez-Reino, Juan J.; González, Antonio (PLoS, 2018-05-07)
      [Abstract] Genetic biomarkers are sought to personalize treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), given their variable response to TNF inhibitors (TNFi). However, no genetic biomaker is yet sufficiently validated. ...