Listar por autor "Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 46
A Computational Model of Cuneothalamic Projection Neurons
Sánchez Vila, Eduardo; Barro Ameneiro, Senén; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Canedo Lamas, Antonio (Taylor and Francis, 2003)[Abstract] The dorsal column nuclei, cuneatus and gracilis, play a fundamental role in the processing and integration of somesthetic ascending information. Intracellular and patch-clamp recordings obtained in cat in vivo ... -
A realistic computational model of the local circuitry of the cuneate nucleus
Sánchez Vila, Eduardo; Barro Ameneiro, Senén; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Canedo Lamas, Antonio (Springer, 2001)Intracellular recordings obtained under cutaneous and lemniscal stimulation show that the afferent fibers can establish excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections with cuneothalamic neurons [5]. In addition, distinct ... -
La barbacoa mágica (primera parte)
Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Universitat de València, 2022-09)[Resumen] La próxima vez que te encuentres cerca de una barbacoa, procura degustar con calma y atención lo que ahí se cuece. Delante de ti se está cerrando un círculo de la naturaleza de proporciones colosales. Me refiero ... -
La barbacoa mágica (segunda parte)
Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Universitat de València, 2022-11)[Resumen] Vamos a tomar otra ración de poesía científica, esta vez en forma de chuletón. Las brasas incandescentes iluminaron el artículo anterior de esta sección: luz solar atrapada por algún árbol y encapsulada en forma ... -
Bootstrap testing for cross-correlation under low firing activity
González Montoro, Aldana María; Cao, Ricardo; Espinosa, Nelson; Cudeiro, Javier; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Springer, 2015-04-14)[Abstract] A new cross-correlation synchrony index for neural activity is proposed. The index is based on the integration of the kernel estimation of the cross-correlation function. It is used to test for the dynamic ... -
Los caballos ríen mal
Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Universitat de València, 2021)[Resumen] Los músculos respiratorios funcionan de manera automática. Menos mal. Su función está controlada por circuitos nerviosos poco flexibles, centrados en la muy noble y necesaria tarea de la ventilación pulmonar. ... -
Capsaicina mon amour
Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Universitat de València, 2021-09)[Resumen] Los derroteros de la evolución son hermosamente inescrutables. Cada vez que alegramos el gusto con una comida picante nuestro organismo participa de una particular carambola evolutiva. La «idea» inicial era detener ... -
Changes in Visual Responses in the Feline dLGN: Selective Thalamic Suppression Induced by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of V1
Labra, Carmen de; Rivadulla, Casto; Grieve, Kenneth; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Espinosa, Nelson; Cudeiro, Javier (Oxford University Press, 2006-08-14)[Abstract] Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the cortex can modify activity noninvasively and produce either excitatory or inhibitory effects, depending on stimulus parameters. Here we demonstrate controlled ... -
Combinación de nuevas técnicas electrofisiológicas y de imagen en el estudio de la función de la corteza visual primaria
Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Schummers, James; Sur, Mriganka (J. V. Sácnhez Andrés, 2003)This work summarizes current research focused on explaining orientation selectivity of primary visual cortex (V1), and describes the electrophysiological and imaging techniques than are being used. Development. The study ... -
La corteza cerebral modula la transmisión cutánea a través de los núcleos de los cordones posteriores
Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Aguilar Fernández, Jaime; Soto, C.; Canedo Lamas, Antonio (J.V. Sánchez Andrés, 2001)The mechanisms used by the cerebral cortex to modulate the cutaneous information at prethalamic level have been scarcely studied. This article reviews experimental evidence leading to a better understanding of this issue ... -
Cortical modulation of dorsal column nuclei: a computational study
Sánchez Vila, Eduardo; Barro Ameneiro, Senén; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Canedo Lamas, Antonio (Springer, 2006-04-22)[Abstract] We present a computational study aimed at exploring the sensorimotor cortex modulation of the behaviour of dorsal column nuclei, specifically the impact of synaptic parameters, during both sleep and waking ... -
Cortical modulation of the transient visual response at thalamic level: a TMS study
Espinosa, Nelson; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Labra, Carmen de; Cudeiro, Javier (PLoS ONE, 2011-02-10)[Abstract] The transient visual response of feline dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) cells was studied under control conditions and during the application of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation at 1 Hz ... -
Cortico-subcortical synchronization in the chloralose-anesthetized cat
Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Aguilar Fernández, Jaime; Canedo Lamas, Antonio (Elsevier, 1999-07)[Abstract] The spontaneous and paroxysmal cerebral cortical synchronized activity was used as reference to study the cortical impact exerted on subcortical neurons. The sensorimotor cortical synchronized activity spread ... -
Coupled slow and delta oscillations between cuneothalamic and thalamocortical neurons in the chloralose anesthetized cat
Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Martínez Otero, Luis Miguel; Canedo Lamas, Antonio (Elsevier, 1996)Simultaneous recordings were obtained from cuneothalamic (extracellular) and thalamocortical (intracellular) cells in chloralose anesthetized cats. It was found that cuneothalamic neurons present slow rhythmicity (0.1–1 ... -
Coupled slow and delta oscillations between cuneothalamic and thalamocortical neurons in the chloralose anesthetized cat
Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Martínez, Luis; Canedo Lamas, Antonio (Elsevier, 1996)[Abstract] Simultaneous recordings were obtained from cuneothalamic (extracellular) and thalamocortical (intracellular) cells in chloralose anesthetized cats. It was found that cuneothalamic neurons present slow rhythmicity ... -
Cómo atarse los zapatos
Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Universitat de València, 2020)[Resumen] Imagine que tiene que describir, con un texto escrito y de manera pormenorizada, los movimientos que realiza con sus manos al atarse los cordones de un zapato. Pruebe siquiera a imaginarlo, pero sin mover ... -
Cross nearest-spike interval based method to measure synchrony dynamics
González Montoro, Aldana María; Cao, Ricardo; Faes, Christel; Molenberghs, Geert; Espinosa, Nelson; Cudeiro, Javier; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2014-02)[Abstract] A new synchrony index for neural activity is de ned in this paper. The method is able to measure synchrony dynamics in low ring rate scenarios. It is based on the computation of the time intervals between ... -
Desenvolvemento encefálico e cultura: condiciona a lingua a maneira de pensar?
Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Universidade da Coruña, 2011) -
Ecdisis inminente
Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Universitat de València, 2020)[Resumen] Cualquier veinteañera sabe que los continentes se mueven y que el planeta Tierra forma parte de una galaxia de las muchas que pueblan el universo. Desconocerá muchos detalles –o no–, como la inversión de la ... -
Effects on EEG of low (1Hz) and high (15Hz) frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the visual cortex: a study in the anesthetized cat
Espinosa, Nelson; Labra, Carmen de; Rivadulla, Casto; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Grieve, Kenneth; Cudeiro, Javier (Bentham Open, 2007-12-07)[Abstract] Here we confirm our earlier findings that showed 1Hz rTMS over the primary visual cortex of the anesthetized cat, known to cause inhibition of the cortex, induces an increase in power in the slow, delta band of ...