Listar por autor "Lodeiro-Fernández, Leire"
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Cognitive and affective assessment in day care versus institutionalized elderly patients: a 1-year longitudinal study
Maseda, Ana; Balo García, Aránzazu; Lorenzo-López, Laura; Lodeiro-Fernández, Leire; Rodríguez-Villamil, José Luis; Millán-Calenti, José Carlos (Dove Medical Press, 2014-06-05)[Abstract] Purpose: Cognitive decline and depression are two common mental health problems that may create a need for long-term care among the elderly. In the last decade, the percentage of older adults who receive health ... -
Determinants of malnourishment in the institutionalized older population: the FRAGILESS study
Leira, Julia; Maseda, Ana; López-López, Rocío; Lorenzo-López, Laura; Cibeira, Nuria; Lodeiro-Fernández, Leire; Millán-Calenti, José Carlos (MDPI, 2024-11-28)[Abstract] Background/objectives: Malnutrition is a very common condition among older people and strongly affects their quality of life. The current literature relates the presence of nutritional deficiencies to several ... -
Dysphagia and its association with other health-related risk factors in institutionalized older people: a systematic review
Leira, Julia; Maseda, Ana; Lorenzo-López, Laura; Cibeira, Nuria; López-López, Rocío; Lodeiro-Fernández, Leire; Millán-Calenti, José Carlos (Elsevier, 2023-03-07)[Abstract] Background: Dysphagia is considered a geriatric syndrome that is characterized by inability to or difficulty in safely and effectively forming or moving the food bolus toward the esophagus. This pathology is ... -
Estudio comparativo y relacional del lenguaje y la audición de acuerdo al estado cognitivo en una muestra de personas mayores de 65 años
Lodeiro-Fernández, Leire (2011)[Resumen] Objetivo: Analizar las características del lenguaje y de la audición en el envejecimiento normal y en el deterioro cognitivo/demencia; así como determinar las posibles interrelaciones entre ambos aspectos ... -
Lodeiro-Fernández, Leire; Fernández Barros, Cristina; Alonso García, Paula (Federación Galega de Esclerose Múltiple (FEGADEM), 2019)[Resumen] La realización de este proyecto responde a la necesidad de dar información relevan-te para las familias y los pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple así como a la población en general. Los logopedas, como profesionales ... -
Papel del logopeda en un centro gerontológico de estancias diurnas
Lodeiro-Fernández, Leire; Varela González, N.; López Sande, A.; Gandoy-Crego, Manuel; Millán-Calenti, José Carlos (Elsevier, 2002)[Resumen] El aumento de población anciana en nuestra sociedad es un hecho que ha provocado la aparición de nuevos recursos socio-sanitarios que cubran sus necesidades. El Centro Gerontológico de Estancias Diurnas es un ... -
The impact of hearing loss on language performance in older adults with different stages of cognitive function
Lodeiro-Fernández, Leire; Lorenzo-López, Laura; Maseda, Ana; Núñez-Naveira, Laura; Rodríguez-Villamil, José Luis; Millán-Calenti, José Carlos (Dove Press, 2015-04-09)[Abstract] Purpose. The possible relationship between audiometric hearing thresholds and cognitive performance on language tests was analyzed in a cross-sectional cohort of older adults aged ≥65 years (N=98) with different ... -
Verbal fluency, naming and verbal comprehension: three aspects of language as predictors of cognitive impairment
Maseda, Ana; Lodeiro-Fernández, Leire; Lorenzo-López, Laura; Núñez-Naveira, Laura; Balo García, Aránzazu; Millán-Calenti, José Carlos (Taylor & Francis, 2014-05-06)[Abstract] Objectives: To establish the possible relationship among three components of language (verbal fluency, naming and comprehension) and cognitive impairment as well as to determine the usefulness of language ...