• CRISPR-Cas, a Revolution in the Treatment and Study of ESKAPE Infections: Pre-Clinical Studies 

      González de Aledo, Manuel; González-Bardanca, Mónica; Blasco, Lucía; Pacios Santamaría, Olga; Bleriot Rial, Ines; Fernández-García, Laura; Fernández-Quejo, Melisa; López, María; Bou, Germán; Tomás, María (MDPI, 2021-06-22)
      [Abstract] One of the biggest threats we face globally is the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant (AMR) bacteria, which runs in parallel with the lack in the development of new antimicrobials. Among these AMR bacteria ...
    • Estudio de genes de resistencia a aminoglucósidos en cepas hospitalarias de "Acinetobacter baumannii" 

      Fernández-García, Laura (2015)
      [Resumen] Con este estudio se pretende conocer la presencia de 6 genes que codifican para enzimas modificadoras de aminoglucósidos (AMEs), en 151 cepas clínicas procedentes de 34 hospitales de todo el territorio español. ...
    • Genomic Analysis of Molecular Bacterial Mechanisms of Resistance to Phage Infection 

      Ambroa, Antón; Blasco, Lucía; López, María; Pacios Santamaría, Olga; Bleriot Rial, Ines; Fernández-García, Laura; González de Aledo, Manuel; Ortiz-Cartagena, Concha; Millard, Andrew; Tomás, María (Frontiers, 2022-02-17)
      [Abstract] To optimize phage therapy, we need to understand how bacteria evolve against phage attacks. One of the main problems of phage therapy is the appearance of bacterial resistance variants. The use of genomics to ...
    • Phenotypic and Genomic Comparison of Klebsiella pneumoniae Lytic Phages: vB_KpnM-VAC66 and vB_KpnM-VAC13 

      Pacios Santamaría, Olga; Fernández-García, Laura; Bleriot Rial, Ines; Blasco, Lucía; Ambroa, Antón; López, María; Ortiz-Cartagena, Concha; Fernández Cuenca, Felipe; Oteo, Jesús; Pascual, Álvaro; Martínez Martínez, Luis; Domingo-Calap, Pilar; Tomás, María (MDPI, 2021-12-21)
      [Abstract] Klebsiella pneumoniae is a human pathogen that worsens the prognosis of many immunocompromised patients. Here, we annotated and compared the genomes of two lytic phages that infect clinical strains of K. pneumoniae ...
    • Study of tolerance, persistence and resistance mechanisms in nosocomial pathogens: search of new treatments targets 

      Fernández-García, Laura (2019)
      [Resumen] Una de las mayores amenazas para la salud pública es el incremento de bacterias resistentes a los antimicrobianos. Dicho incremento se debe a múltiples factores, entre los que comienzan a destacar la existencia ...
    • The Role of PemIK (PemK/PemI) Type II TA System from Klebsiella pneumoniae Clinical Strains in Lytic Phage Infection 

      Bleriot Rial, Ines; Blasco, Lucía; Pacios Santamaría, Olga; Fernández-García, Laura; Ambroa, Antón; López, María; Ortiz-Cartagena, Concha; Fernández Cuenca, Felipe; Oteo, Jesús; Pascual, Álvaro; Martínez Martínez, Luis; Domingo-Calap, Pilar; Wood, Thomas K.; Tomás, María (Springer Nature, 2022-03-16)
      [Abstract] Since their discovery, toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems have captivated the attention of many scientists. Recent studies have demonstrated that TA systems play a key role in phage inhibition. The aim of the present ...