• A new methodology for element partition and integration procedures for XFEM 

      Cao Rial, María Teresa; Moreno Gonzalez, Carlos Antonio; Quintela-Estévez, Peregrina (Elsevier, 2016)
      [Abstract] An overview of the particularities of the extended finite element method implementation in contrast with the classical FEM is presented. The most relevant difficulty lies in the integration over elements containing ...
    • Asymptotic Analysis of a Problem for Dynamic Thermoelastic Shells in Normal Damped Response Contact 

      Cao Rial, María Teresa; Castiñeira, Gonzalo; Rodríguez-Arós, Ángel; Roscani, Sabrina (2021)
      [Abstract] The purpose of this paper is twofold. We first provide the mathematical analysis of a dynamic contact problem in thermoelasticity, when the contact is governed by a normal damped response function and the ...
    • Asymptotic Analysis of Elliptic Membrane Shells in Thermoelastodynamics 

      Cao Rial, María Teresa; Rodríguez-Arós, Ángel; Castiñeira, Gonzalo; Roscani, Sabrina (Springer Nature, 2021)
      [Abstract] In this paper we consider a family of three-dimensional problems in thermoelasticity for elliptic membrane shells and study the asymptotic behaviour of the solution when the thickness tends to zero. We fully ...
    • Asymptotic analysis of unilateral contact problems for linearly elastic shells: Error estimates in the membrane case 

      Cao Rial, María Teresa; Rodríguez-Arós, Ángel (Elsevier, 2019)
      [Abstract] We consider a family of linearly elastic shells all sharing the same middle surface and in unilateral contact with a rigid foundation on the lower face. The shells are elliptic and their lateral face is clamped. ...
    • Determination of Young modulus by using Rayleigh waves 

      Cao Rial, María Teresa; Quintela-Estévez, Peregrina; Moreno Gonzalez, Carlos Antonio (Elsevier, 2020)
      [Abstract] The aim of this work is to provide a non-destructive testing technique to obtain the physical properties of a given material, based on a series of images, obtained through a non-invasive procedure, that capture ...
    • Mathematical and Asymptotic Analysis of Thermoelastic Shells in Normal Damped Response Contact 

      Cao Rial, María Teresa; Castiñeira, Gonzalo; Rodríguez-Arós, Ángel; Roscani, Sabrina (Elsevier, 2021-12)
      [Abstract] The purpose of this paper is twofold. We first provide the mathematical analysis of a dynamic contact problem in thermoelasticity, when the contact is governed by a normal damped response function and the ...
    • Mathematical and numerical analysis of an obstacle problem for elastic piezoelectric beams 

      Cao Rial, María Teresa; Rodríguez-Arós, Ángel (SAGE, 2018)
      [Abstract] We consider a mathematical model that describes the equilibrium of an electro-elastic beam in contact with an electrically conductive foundation (an obstacle). The model is constructed by coupling the beam ...
    • Mathematical perspective on XFEM implementation for models involving contribution on interfaces 

      Cao Rial, María Teresa; Quintela-Estévez, Peregrina; Moreno Gonzalez, Carlos Antonio (Elsevier, 2024)
      [Abstract] Models involving interfaces with discontinuities or even singularities of some fields across them are very frequent in real life problems modelling. In the last decades, the use of the eXtended Finite Element ...
    • Third Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Book of Abstracts. A Coruña, May 20-24, 2024 

      Cao Rial, María Teresa; Arós, Á.; Arregui, Íñigo; Vázquez, Carlos; Baamonde-Seoane, María A.; Calvo-Garrido, María-del-Carmen; González Taboada, María; Varela Rodríguez, Hiram; Pereira-Sáez, María José; Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel; Souto Salorio, María José; Tarrío-Tobar, Ana D.; Ráfales, Jonatan; Rodríguez Seijo, José Manuel; Taboada-Vázquez, Raquel (Universidade da Coruña. Servizo de Publicacións, 2024)
      [Abstract] This volume contains the abstracts of more than fifty oral presentations to be given at the International Conference Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ETAMM 2024) hosted by the School of ...