Browsing by Author "Orosa, José A."
Now showing items 21-40 of 53
Assessment of Cold Ironing and LNG as Mitigation Tools of Short Sea Shipping Emissions in Port: A Spanish Case Study
Martínez López, Alba; Romero, Alejandro; Orosa, José A. (MDPI, 2021)[Abstract] By the end of 2025 European ports are required to provide (Directive 2014/94/EU) facilities to ensure the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) use and on-shore electricity supply for vessels (Cold Ironing—CI). Even though ... -
Building construction materials effect in tropical wet and cold climates: A case study of office buildings in Cameroon
Orosa, José A.; Kameni, Modeste (Elsevier, 2016)[Abstract] This paper presents the results of an experimental study that was conducted in 15 office buildings in the humid and cold tropics during the working hours of the dry and rainy seasons in Cameroon. This was with ... -
Case study of safe working conditions in spanish merchant ships
Orosa, José A.; Oliveira, Armando C. (Walter de Gruyter, 2012)[Abstract] Objective: This paper aims to show a practical case study of safety assessment concerning possible injuries and fire occurring in the engine room on-board a merchant ship, due to fatigue. Methods: The methodology ... -
Characteristics of the onshore and offshore wind resource
Pérez-Canosa, José M.; Cartelle Barros, Juan José; Orosa, José A.; Santiago Caamaño, Lucía; Lamas Galdo, María Isabel (Elsevier, 2023)[Abstract] Energy is an essential commodity for the development of modern nations. Energy demand has increased in recent years, a trend that is likely to continue in the near future. Therefore, it is of vital importance ... -
Creación de rutas 360 para la docencia
Cartelle Barros, Juan José; Lamas, M.I.; Orosa, José A.; Pérez-Canosa, José M. (2024)[Resumen] El curso ha sido desarrollado en el marco del proyecto de creación de contenidos y evaluación de competencias digitales (DigCompEdu-FyA), financiado a través del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia ... -
Deep Learning Methods to Mitigate Human-Factor-Related Accidents in Maritime Transport
Orosa, José A.; Cao Feijóo, Genaro; Pérez-Canosa, José M.; Pérez Castelo, Francisco Javier (MDPI, 2024)[Abstract] Artificial intelligence aims to be the solution to multiple engineering problems by trying to emulate the human learning process. In this sense, maritime transport standards have clearly evolved, which are based ... -
Design Corrections in Spanish Office Buildings to Improve Energy Efficiency in the Face of Climate Change
Orosa, José A.; Vergara, Diego; Fraguela, Feliciano; Fernández-Arias, Pablo (MDPI, 2020)[Abstract] The majority of buildings in Europe are at present naturally ventilated and do not use heating or cooling equipment throughout the summer. However, this idea is changing and as a result heating ventilation air ... -
Eco-friendly Pressure Drop Dehumidifier: An Experimental and Numerical Analysis
Costa, Ángel M.; Bouzón, Rebeca; Vergara, Diego; Orosa, José A. (2019)[Abstract] The northwest of Spain is defined by very high relative humidity values, with an average relative humidity of 85% throughout the year, which is considered too high by most standards and therefore can be related ... -
Effect of climate change on outdoor termal comfort in humid climates
Orosa, José A.; Costa, Ángel M.; Rodríguez Fernández, Ángel; Roshan, Gholamreza (Springer, 2014)[Abstract] Background: Galicia, in northwest Spain, experiences warm summers and winters. However, the higher relative humidity that prevails the whole year through and the location of the summer hot points are related ... -
Efficiency and Optimization of Buildings Energy Consumption Volume II : [Editorial]
Orosa, José A. (MDPI, 2023)[Abstract] This issue, as a continuation of a previous Special Issue on “Efficiency and Optimization of Buildings Energy Consumption,” gives an up-to-date overview of new technologies based on Machine Learning (ML) and ... -
Energy Efficiency and Thermal Performance of Office Buildings Integrated with Passive Strategies in Coastal Regions of Humid and Hot Tropical Climates in Madagascar
Kameni, Modeste; Vanona, Jean Christophe; Orosa, José A. (MDPI AG, 2020-04-02)[Abstract] Researchers have used passive strategies, such as the implementation of thermal insulation and the use of phase change materials (PCM), in several studies, but some problems have not yet been solved. It is the ... -
Fatigue due to on board work conditions in merchant vessels
Costa, Ángel M.; Bouzón, Rebeca; Orosa, José A.; Campa Portela, Rosa Mary de la (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciència i Enginyeria Nàutiques, 2020)[Abstract] Several publications point to the human error like the fundamental cause of the practical whole of the accidents. Inside these accidents, the fatigue has been identified like a recurrent cause, already was as ... -
Fatigue due to on board work conditions in merchant vessels
Costa, Ángel M.; Bouzón, Rebeca; Orosa, José A.; Campa Portela, Rosa Mary de la (Universidad de Catabria, Spanish Society of Maritime Research (SEECMAR), 2020)[Abstract] Several publications point to the human error like the fundamental cause of the practical whole of theaccidents. Inside these accidents, the fatigue has been identified like a recurrent cause, already was asfirst ... -
Life cycle assessment of radioactive materials from a residential neighbourhood
Orosa, José A.; Kameni, Modeste (Elsevier, 2022)[Abstract] This study was carried out, with the as main purpose to evaluate the impacts of the energy mix on the radioactive material generated by a residential neighbourhood. To achieve this objective, the same neighbourhood ... -
Life Cycle Assessment of Waste Products of a Green‑Neighbourhood
Orosa, José A.; Kameni, Modeste; Reiter, Sigrid (Springer, 2022)[Abstract] This research aims to quantify and to compare the effect of the energy mix of 150 countries on the waste products generated by an eco-neighbourhood. To perform this comparison, the same neighbourhood design is ... -
Mejora del aprendizaje de la operación y mantenimiento de equipos mediante el desarrollo de simuladores
Bouzón, Rebeca; Costa, Ángel M.; Orosa, José A. (2018)[Resumen] La existencia de recursos tipo software permiten reducir el tiempo de aprendizaje. El caso concreto del Engineering Equation Software (EES) supone una herramienta efectiva que mejora el aprendizaje de la termodinámica ... -
Methodological Design Optimization of a Marine LNG Internal Combustion Gas Engine to Burn Alternative Fuels
Orosa, José A.; Ruiz Zardoya, Ander; Oregui Bengoetxea, Iñigo; Lopez-Oriona, Ángel; Loroño, Iñaki (MDPI, 2023)[Abstract] Marine emission policies are becoming more demanding; thus, ship propulsion and power generation technologies need to be adapted to current scenarios. LNG is already considered to be a transition fuel, and new ... -
New Climatic Indicators for Improving Urban Sprawl: A Case Study of Tehran City
Ghanghermeh, Abdolazim; Roshan, Gholamreza; Orosa, José A.; Calvo-Rolle, José Luis; Costa, Ángel M. (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2013)In the modern world, the fine balance and delicate relationship between human society and the environment in which we exist has been affected by the phenomena of urbanisation and urban development. Today, various environmental ... -
New Tendencies in Wind Energy Operation and Maintenance
Costa, Ángel M.; Orosa, José A.; Vergara, Diego; Fernández-Arias, Pablo (MDPI, 2021)[Abstract] Both the reduction in operating and maintenance (O&M) costs and improved reliability have become top priorities in wind turbine maintenance strategies. O&M costs typically account for 20% to 25% of the total ... -
Novel Modeling for the Calculation of the Center of Lateral Resistance Position of Different Ships Making Use of a Full Mission Bridge Simulator and AI Tools
Pérez-Canosa, José M.; Orosa, José A.; Lama Carballo, Francisco Javier; Salgado Don, Alsira; Cao Feijóo, Genaro; Pacheco, Eliseo A. (MDPI, 2024)[Abstract] Ship maneuvering in ports is increasingly reduced because the increase in ship size is not proportional to the increase in port areas. Furthermore, the number of assisted vessels and the need for tugboats working ...