Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Derivation of a new viscous shallow water model with dependenc on depth 

      Rodríguez Seijo, José Manuel; Taboada-Vázquez, Raquel (Universidade da Coruña, 2010)
    • Third Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Book of Abstracts. A Coruña, May 20-24, 2024 

      Cao Rial, María Teresa; Arós, Á.; Arregui, Íñigo; Vázquez, Carlos; Baamonde-Seoane, María A.; Calvo-Garrido, María-del-Carmen; González Taboada, María; Varela Rodríguez, Hiram; Pereira-Sáez, María José; Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel; Souto Salorio, María José; Tarrío-Tobar, Ana D.; Ráfales, Jonatan; Rodríguez Seijo, José Manuel; Taboada-Vázquez, Raquel (Universidade da Coruña. Servizo de Publicacións, 2024)
      [Abstract] This volume contains the abstracts of more than fifty oral presentations to be given at the International Conference Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ETAMM 2024) hosted by the School of ...