Mostrando ítems 16-20 de 60

    • Factors associated with therapeutic response in acromegaly diagnosed in the elderly in Spain 

      Biagetti, Betina; Iglesias, Pedro; Villar-Taibo, Rocío; Moure, María-Dolores; Paja, Miguel; Araújo-Castro, Marta; Ares, Jessica; Álvarez-Escola, Cristina; Vicente, Almudena; Álvarez Guivernau, Élia; Novoa-Testa, Iria; Guerrero Pérez, Fernando; Cámara, Rosa; Lecumberri, Beatriz; García Gómez, Carlos; Bernabéu, Ignacio; Manjón, Laura; Gaztambide, Sonia; Cordido, Fernando; Webb, Susan; Webb, Susan M.; Menéndez-Torre, Edelmiro Luis; Díez, Juan J.; Simó, Rafael; Puig-Domingo, Manel (Frontiers, 2022-09-16)
      [Abstract] Context: Some reports suggest that acromegaly in elderly patients has a more benign clinical behavior and could have a better response to first-generation long-acting somatostatin receptor ligands (SRL). However, ...
    • Giant non-functioning pituitary adenoma: clinical characteristics and therapeutic outcomes 

      Iglesias, Pedro; Arcano, Karina; Triviño, Vanessa; Guerrero-Pérez, Fernando; Rodríguez Berrocal, Víctor; Vior, Carlos; Cordido, Fernando; Villabona, Carles; Díez, Juan J. (Thieme, 2020-01-02)
      [Abstract] Background: Giant pituitary adenoma (≥4 cm) is a rare tumor whose clinical features and prognosis are not well known. Aim: To evaluate the clinical characteristics and therapeutic outcomes of giant non-functioning ...
    • The SEEN comprehensive clinical survey of adult obesity: executive summary 

      Ballesteros-Pomar, María D.; Vilarrasa, Nuria; Rubio Herrera, Miguel Ángel; Barahona, María José; Bueno, Marta; Caixás, Assumpta; Calañas Continente, Alfonso; Ciudin, Andreea; Cordido, Fernando; Hollanda, Ana de; Díaz, María Jesús; Flores, Lliliam; García Luna, Pedro Pablo; García Pérez-Sevillano, Fernando; Goday, Albert; Lecube, Albert; López Gómez, Juan José; Miñambres, Inka; Morales Gorria, María José; Morinigo, Rosa; Nicolau, Joana; Pellitero, Silvia; Salvador, Javier; Valdés, Sergio; Bretón Lesmes, Irene (Elsevier, 2021-04-09)
      [Abstract] Obesity is one of the great challenges in healthcare nowadays with important implications for health so requiring comprehensive management. This document aims to establish practical and evidence-based recommendations ...
    • Thyroid function alteration in obesity and the effect of bariatric surgery 

      Cordido, María; Juiz-Valiña, Paula; Urones Cuesta, Paula; Sangiao-Alvarellos, Susana; Cordido, Fernando (MDPI, 2022-02-28)
      [Abstract] The most common endocrine disease in obesity is hypothyroidism and secondary endocrine alterations, including abnormal thyroid function, are frequent in obesity. It is unclear whether impaired thyroid function ...
    • Craniopharyngioma in the elderly: a multicenter and nationwide study in Spain 

      Iglesias, Pedro; Nocete, Ignacio; Moure Rodríguez, María Dolores; Venegas-Moreno, Eva; Ares, Jessica; Biagetti, Betina; Rodríguez Berrocal, Víctor; Guerrero-Pérez, Fernando; Vicente, Almudena; Villar-Taibo, Rocío; Cordido, Fernando; Paja, Miguel; Glerean, Mariela; González Rivera, Natividad; Dios Fuentes, Elena; Blanco, Concepción; Álvarez-Escolá, Crisitina; Martín, Tomás; Webb, Susan M.; Bernabeu, Ignacio; Villabona, Carles; Soto-Moreno, Alfonso; Gaztambide, Sonia; Díez, Juan José (Karger, 2020-10-09)
      [Abstract] Background: Craniopharyngioma (CP) is a rare tumor in the elderly whose clinical features and prognosis are not well known in this population. Aim: To evaluate the clinicopathological features and therapeutic ...