Browsing by Author "Fernández-Lozano, Carlos"
Now showing items 1-20 of 47
A generalized linear model for cardiovascular complications prediction in PD patients
Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Alonso Valente, Rafael; Fidalgo Díaz, Manuel; Pazos, A. (ACM, 2018)[Abstract] This study was conducted using machine learning models to identify patient non-invasive information for cardiovascular complications prediction in peritoneal dialysis patients. Nowadays is well known that ... -
A influencia de facer os criterios de avaliación públicos en materias vinculadas ao Grao de Enxeñaría en Informática
Fernández-Blanco, Enrique; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Rivero, Daniel (Centro Universitario de Formación e Innovación Educativa (CUFIE), Universidade da Coruña, 2022)[Resumo] Unha das queixas máis frecuentemente realizadas polos estudantes ao longo dos anos sempre está referida coa avaliación dos traballos e prácticas. O método de corrección e puntuación percíbese habitualmente por ... -
A methodology for the design of experiments in computational intelligence with multiple regression models
Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Gestal, M.; Munteanu, Cristian-Robert; Dorado, Julián; Pazos, A. (Peer J, 2016-12-01)[Abstract] The design of experiments and the validation of the results achieved with them are vital in any research study. This paper focuses on the use of different Machine Learning approaches for regression tasks in the ... -
A review on machine learning approaches and trends in drug discovery
Carracedo-Reboredo, Paula; Liñares Blanco, Jose; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Cedrón, Francisco; Novoa, Francisco; Carballal, Adrián; Maojo, Víctor; Pazos, A.; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos (Research Network of Computational and Structural Biotechnology, 2021)Abstract: Drug discovery aims at finding new compounds with specific chemical properties for the treatment of diseases. In the last years, the approach used in this search presents an important component in computer science ... -
A semantic interoperability approach to support integration of gene expression and clinical data in breast cancer
Alonso-Calvo, Raúl; Paraíso-Medina, Sergio; Pérez-Rey, David; Alonso-Oset, Enrique; Stiphout, Ruud van; Taylor, Marian; Buffa, Francesca; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Pazos, A.; Maojo, Víctor (Elsevier, 2017-06-05)[Abstract] Introduction. The introduction of omics data and advances in technologies involved in clinical treatment has led to a broad range of approaches to represent clinical information. Within this context, patient ... -
Applied Computational Techniques on Schizophrenia Using Genetic Mutations
Aguiar-Pulido, Vanessa; Gestal, M.; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Rivero, Daniel; Munteanu, Cristian-Robert (Bentham, 2013-03-01)[Abstract] Schizophrenia is a complex disease, with both genetic and environmental influence. Machine learning techniques can be used to associate different genetic variations at different genes with a (schizophrenic or ... -
Authentication of tequilas using pattern recognition and supervised classification
Pérez-Caballero, G.; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Olmos, P.; Molina, Y.; Jiménez, I.; Durán, J.J.; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Miguel-Cruz, F. (Elsevier, 2017-07-18)[Abstract] Sales of reputed, Mexican tequila grown substantially in last years and, therefore, counterfeiting is increasing steadily. Hence, methodologies intended to characterize and authenticate commercial beverages are ... -
Automatic multiscale vascular image segmentation algorithm for coronary angiography
Carballal, Adrián; Nóvoa, Francisco; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; García-Guimaraes, Marcos; Aldama López, Guillermo; Calviño-Santos, Ramón; Vázquez Rodríguez, José Manuel; Pazos, A. (Elsevier, 2018-09)[Abstract] Cardiovascular diseases, particularly severe stenosis, are the main cause of death in the western world. The primary method of diagnosis, considered to be the standard in the detection and quantification of ... -
Avoiding the Inherent Limitations in Datasets Used for Measuring Aesthetics When Using a Machine Learning Approach
Carballal, Adrián; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Castro, M. Luz; Santos-del-Riego, Antonino (Hindawi Limited, 2019)[Abstract]: An important topic in evolutionary art is the development of systems that can mimic the aesthetics decisions made by human begins,e.g., fitness evaluations made by humans using interactive evolution in generative ... -
Carbapenem Resistance in Acinetobacter nosocomialis and Acinetobacter junii Conferred by Acquisition of blaOXA-24/40 and Genetic Characterization of the Transmission Mechanism between Acinetobacter Genomic Species
Lasarte-Monterrubio, Cristina; Guijarro, Paula; Bellés, Alba; Vázquez-Ucha, Juan Carlos; Arca-Suárez, Jorge; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Bou, Germán; Beceiro, Alejandro (American Society for Microbiology, 2022)[Abstract] Carbapenem resistance is increasing among Gram-negative bacteria, including the genus Acinetobacter. This study aimed to characterize, for the first time, the development of carbapenem resistance in clinical ... -
Classification of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease with machine-learning techniques using 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data
Munteanu, Cristian-Robert; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Mato-Abad, Virginia; Pita-Fernández, Salvador; Álvarez-Linera, Juan; Hernández-Tamames, Juan Antonio; Pazos, A. (Elsevier, 2015-03-30)[Abstract] Several magnetic resonance techniques have been proposed as non-invasive imaging biomarkers for the evaluation of disease progression and early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). This work is the first ... -
Comparison of Outlier-Tolerant Models for Measuring Visual Complexity
Carballal, Adrián; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Rodríguez-Fernández, Nereida; Santos, Iria; Romero, Juan (MDPI AG, 2020-04-24)[Abstract] Providing the visual complexity of an image in terms of impact or aesthetic preference can be of great applicability in areas such as psychology or marketing. To this end, certain areas such as Computer Vision ... -
Epidemiology, resistance genomics and susceptibility of Acinetobacter species: results from the 2020 Spanish nationwide surveillance study
Lasarte-Monterrubio, Cristina; Guijarro, Paula; Alonso-Garcia, Isaac; Outeda, Michelle; Maceiras, Romina; González-Pinto, Lucía; Martínez-Guitián, Marta; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Vázquez-Ucha, Juan Carlos; Bou, Germán; Arca-Suárez, Jorge; Beceiro, Alejandro (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 2024-04-11)[Abstract]: Background: As increasing antibiotic resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii poses a global healthcare challenge, understanding its evolution is crucial for effective control strategies. Aim: We aimed ... -
Epidemiology, resistance genomics and susceptibility of acinetobacter species: results from the 2020 spanish nationwide surveillance study
Lasarte-Monterrubio, Cristina; Guijarro-Sánchez, Paula; Alonso-García, Isaac; Outeda, Michelle; Maceiras, Romina; González-Pinto, Lucía; Martínez-Guitián, Marta; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Vázquez-Ucha, Juan Carlos; Bou, Germán; Arca-Suárez, Jorge; Beceiro, Alejandro (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 2024-04)[Abstract] BackgroundAs increasing antibiotic resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii poses a global healthcare challenge, understanding its evolution is crucial for effective control strategies.AimWe aimed to evaluate the ... -
Experimental Study and ANN Dual-Time Scale Perturbation Model of Electrokinetic Properties of Microbiota
Liu, Yong; Munteanu, Cristian-Robert; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Pazos, A.; Ran, Tao; Tan, Zhiliang; Zhou, Chuanshe; Tang, Shaoxun; González-Díaz, Humberto (Frontiers Science, 2017-06-30)[Abstract] The electrokinetic properties of the rumen microbiota are involved in cell surface adhesion and microbial metabolism. An in vitro study was carried out in batch culture to determine the effects of three levels ... -
Experimental study and random forest prediction model of microbiome cell surface hydrophobicity
Liu, Yong; Tang, Shaoxun; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Munteanu, Cristian-Robert; Pazos, A.; Yu, Yi-zun; Tan, Zhiliang; González-Díaz, Humberto (Elsevier, 2016-11-09)[Abstract] The cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH) is an assessable physicochemical property used to evaluate the microbial adhesion to the surface of biomaterials, which is an essential step in the microbial biofilm formation ... -
Gene Signatures Research Involved in Cancer Using Machine Learning
Liñares Blanco, Jose; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos (M D P I AG, 2019)[Abstract] With the cheapening of mass sequencing techniques and the rise of computer technologies, capable of analyzing a huge amount of data, it is necessary nowadays that both branches mutually benefit. Transcriptomics, ... -
Hybrid Model Based on Genetic Algorithms and SVM Applied to Variable Selection Within Fruit Juice Classification
Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Canto, C.; Gestal, M.; Andrade-Garda, José Manuel; Rabuñal, Juan R.; Dorado, Julián; Pazos, A. (Hindawi, 2013-10-21)[Abstract] Given the background of the use of Neural Networks in problems of apple juice classification, this paper aim at implementing a newly developed method in the field of machine learning: the Support Vector Machines ... -
Identification of predictive factors of the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet through machine-learning techniques
Arceo-Vilas, Alba; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos; Pita, Salvador; Pértega-Díaz, Sonia; Pazos, A. (PeerJ, Ltd., 2020-07-27)[Abstract] Food consumption patterns have undergone changes that in recent years have resulted in serious health problems. Studies based on the evaluation of the nutritional status have determined that the adoption of a ... -
Identification of Prevotella, Anaerotruncus and Eubacterium Genera by Machine Learning Analysis of Metagenomic Profiles for Stratification of Patients Affected by Type I Diabetes
Fernández-Edreira, Diego; Liñares Blanco, Jose; Fernández-Lozano, Carlos (MDPI AG, 2020-08-27)[Abstract] Previous works have reported different bacterial strains and genera as the cause of different clinical pathological conditions. In our approach, using the fecal metagenomic profiles of newborns, a machine ...