• A Polynomial Reduction of Forks Into Logic Programs 

      Aguado, Felicidad; Cabalar, Pedro; Fandiño, Jorge; Pearce, David; Pérez, Gilberto; Vidal, Concepción (Elsevier, 2022)
      [Abstract] In this research note we present additional results for an earlier published paper [1]. There, we studied the problem of projective strong equivalence (PSE) of logic programs, that is, checking whether two logic ...
    • aspBEEF: Explaining Predictions Through Optimal Clustering 

      Cabalar, Pedro; Martín, Rodrigo; Muñiz, Brais; Pérez, Gilberto (MDPI AG, 2020-08-28)
      [Abstract] In this paper we introduce aspBEEF, a tool for generating explanations for the outcome of an arbitrary machine learning classifier. This is done using Grover’s et al. framework known as Balanced English ...
    • Comparing the Reasoning Capabilities of Equilibrium Theories and Answer Set Programs 

      Fandiño, Jorge; Pearce, David; Vidal, Concepción; Woltran, Stefan (MDPI, 2022)
      [Abstract] Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well established logical approach in artificial intelligence that is widely used for knowledge representation and problem solving. Equilibrium logic extends answer set semantics ...
    • Equilibrium graphs 

      Cabalar, Pedro; Pérez Ramil, Carlos; Pérez, Gilberto (Springer, 2019)
      [Abstract]: In this paper we present an extension of Peirce’s existential graphs to provide a diagrammatic representation of expressions in Quantified Equilibrium Logic (QEL). Using this formalisation, logical connectives ...
    • Metric dynamic equilibrium logic 

      Becker, Arvid; Cabalar, Pedro; Diéguez Lodeiro, Martín; Farinas del Cerro, Luis; Schaub, Torsten; Schuhmann, Anna (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2023)
      [Abstract]: In temporal extensions of Answer Set Programming (ASP) based on linear-time, the behaviour of dynamic systems is captured by sequences of states. While this representation reflects their relative order, it ...
    • Minish HAT: A Tool for the Minimization of Here-and-There Logic Programs and Theories in Answer Set Programming 

      Martín Prieto, Rodrigo; Cabalar, Pedro (M D P I AG, 2019-07-31)
      [Abstract] When it comes to the writing of a new logic program or theory, it is of great importance to obtain a concise and minimal representation, for simplicity and ease of interpretation reasons. There are already a few ...
    • Revisiting Explicit Negation in Answer Set Programming 

      Aguado, Felicidad; Cabalar, Pedro; Fandiño, Jorge; Pearce, David; Pérez, Gilberto; Vidal, Concepción (Cambridge University Press, 2019-09)
      [Abstract] A common feature in Answer Set Programming is the use of a second negation, stronger than default negation and sometimes called explicit, strong or classical negation. This explicit negation is normally used in ...
    • Syntactic ASP forgetting with forks 

      Aguado, Felicidad; Cabalar, Pedro; Fandiño, Jorge; Pearce, David; Pérez, Gilberto; Vidal, Concepción (Elsevier, 2024-01)
      [Abstract]: Answer Set Programming (ASP) constitutes nowadays one of the most successful paradigms for practical Knowledge Representation and declarative problem solving. The formal analysis of ASP programs is essential ...