Envíos recientes

  • Curvature homogeneous critical metrics in dimension three 

    Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel; Caeiro-Oliveira, Sandro; Garcia-Rio, Eduardo (Elsevier, 2022)
    [Abstract] We study curvature homogeneous three-manifolds modeled on a symmetric space which are critical for some quadratic curvature functional. If the Ricci operator is diagonalizable, critical metrics are 1-curvature ...
  • Critical metrics and massive gravity solutions on three-dimensional Brinkmann waves 

    Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel; Caeiro-Oliveira, Sandro; Garcia-Rio, Eduardo (IOPscience, 2022)
    [Abstract] Three-dimensional Brinkmann waves which are critical for quadratic curvature functionals are determined. Generically, if the metric is critical for some functional then it is critical for all of them. In contrast, ...
  • Vacuum Einstein field equations in smooth metric measure spaces: the isotropic case 

    Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel; Mojón Álvarez, Diego (IOPscience, 2022)
    [Abstract] On a smooth metric measure spacetime (M, g, e−fdvolg), we define a weighted Einstein tensor. It is given in terms of the Bakry–Émery Ricci tensor as a tensor which is symmetric, divergence-free, concomitant of ...
  • Homogeneous and curvature homogeneous Lorentzian critical metrics 

    Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel; Caeiro-Oliveira, Sandro; Garcia-Rio, Eduardo (Cambridge University Press, 2023)
    [Abstract] We determine all three-dimensional homogeneous and 1 -curvature homogeneous Lorentzian metrics which are critical for a quadratic curvature functional. As a result, we show that any quadratic curvature functional ...
  • Rigidity of weighted Einstein smooth metric measure spaces 

    Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel; Mojón Álvarez, Diego (Elsevier, 2024-01)
    [Abstract] We study the geometric structure of weighted Einstein smooth metric measure spaces with weighted harmonic Weyl tensor. A complete local classification is provided, showing that either the underlying manifold is ...
