• Classification of the relative positions between a small ellipsoid and an elliptic paraboloid 

      Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel; Pereira Sáez, María José; Souto Salorio, María José; Tarrío-Tobar, Ana D. (Elsevier, 2019-06)
      [Abstract]: We classify all the relative positions between an ellipsoid and an elliptic paraboloid when the ellipsoid is small in comparison with the paraboloid (small meaning that the two surfaces cannot be tangent at two ...
    • Contact detection between a small ellipsoid and another quadric 

      Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel; Pereira Sáez, María José; Rodríguez Raposo, Ana Belén; Souto Salorio, María José; Tarrío-Tobar, Ana D. (Elsevier, 2022-08-03)
      [Abstract] We analyze the characteristic polynomial associated to an ellipsoid and another quadric in the context of the contact detection problem. We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for an efficient method ...
    • Homotopic distance and generalized motion planning 

      Macías-Virgós, Enrique; Mosquera-Lois, David; Pereira Sáez, María José (Springer, 2022-10-18)
      [Abstract]: We prove that the homotopic distance between two maps defined on a manifold is bounded above by the sum of their subspace distances on the critical submanifolds of any Morse–Bott function. This generalizes the ...
    • El proyecto “Geometría aplicada” 

      Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel; Castro-Castro, Paula-María; Dapena, Adriana; Pereira Sáez, María José; Rodríguez Raposo, Ana Belén; Souto Salorio, María José; Tarrío-Tobar, Ana D.; Vázquez Araújo, Francisco Javier (Universidade da Coruña, 2020)
      [Resumen]: El proyecto “Geometría aplicada” ha sido seleccionado en la III edición de la exposición “Campus Vivo. Investigar en la Universidad”, una iniciativa de la Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas ...