• Cohort profile: the Applied Public-Private Research enabling OsteoArthritis Clinical Headway (IMI-APPROACH) study: a 2-year, European, cohort study to describe, validate and predict phenotypes of osteoarthritis using clinical, imaging and biochemical markers 

      van Helvoort, Eefje M.; van Spil, Willem E.; Jansen, Mylène P.; Welsing, Paco M.J.; Kloppenburg, Margreet; Loef, Marieke; Blanco García, Francisco J; Haugen, Ida K.; Berenbaum, Francis; Bacardit, Jaume; Ladel, Christoph H.; Loughlin, John; Bay-Jensen, Anne C.; Mobasheri, Ali; Larkin, Jonathan; Boere, Janneke; Weinans, Harrie H.; Lalande, Agnes; Marijnissen, Anne C.A.; Lafeber, Floris (BMJ, 2020-07-28)
      [Abstract] Purpose The Applied Public-Private Research enabling OsteoArthritis Clinical Headway (APPROACH) consortium intends to prospectively describe in detail, preselected patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA), using ...
    • Development and validation of a machine learning-supported strategy of patient selection for osteoarthritis clinical trials: the IMI-APPROACH study 

      Widera, Pawel; Welsing, Paco M.J.; Danso, Samuel O.; Peelen, Sjaak; Kloppenburg, Margreet; Loef, Marieke; Marijnissen, Anne C.; van Helvoort, Eefje M.; Blanco García, Francico J; Magalhaes, Joana; Berenbaum, Francis; Haugen, Ida K.; Bay-Jensen, Anne-C.; Mobasheri, Ali; Ladel, Christoph; Loughlin, John; Lafeber, Floris P.J.G.; Lalande, Agnes; Larkin, Jonathan; Weinans, Harrie; Bacardit, Jaume (Elsevier, 2023-12)
      [Abstract] Objectives. To efficiently assess the disease-modifying potential of new osteoarthritis treatments, clinical trials need progression-enriched patient populations. To assess whether the application of machine ...
    • Machine-learning predicted and actual 2-year structural progression in the IMI-APPROACH cohort 

      Jansen, Mylène P.; Wirth, Wolfgang; Bacardit, Jaume; van Helvoort, Eefje M.; Marijnissen, Anne C.A.; Kloppenburg, Margreet; Blanco García, Francico J; Haugen, Ida K.; Berenbaum, Francis; Ladel, Christoph H.; Loef, Marieke; Lafeber, Floris P.J.G.; Welsing, Paco M.J.; Mastbergen, Simon C.; Roemer, Frank W. (AME, 2023-05)
      [Abstract] In the Innovative Medicine’s Initiative Applied Public-Private Research enabling OsteoArthritis Clinical Headway (IMI-APPROACH) knee osteoarthritis (OA) study, machine learning models were trained to predict the ...
    • Neuropathic pain in the IMI-APPROACH knee osteoarthritis cohort: prevalence and phenotyping 

      van Helvoort, Eefje M.; Welsing, Paco M.J.; Jansen, Mylène P.; Gielis, Willem Paul; Loef, Marieke; Kloppenburg, Margreet; Blanco García, Francisco J; Haugen, Ida K.; Berenbaum, Francis; Bay-Jensen, Anne-C; Ladel, Christoph H.; Lalande, Agnes; Larkin, Jonathan; Loughlin, John; Mobasheri, Ali; Weinans, Harrie; Lafeber, Floris; Eijkelkamp, Niels; Mastbergen, Simon (BMJ, 2021-12-15)
      [Abstract] Objectives: Osteoarthritis (OA) patients with a neuropathic pain (NP) component may represent a specific phenotype. This study compares joint damage, pain and functional disability between knee OA patients with ...
    • Relationship between motion, using the GaitSmartTM system, and radiographic knee osteoarthritis: an explorative analysis in the IMI-APPROACH cohort 

      van Helvoort, Eefje M.; Hodgins, Diana; Mastbergen, Simon C.; Marijnissen, Anne Karien; Guehring, Hans; Loef, Marieke; Kloppenburg, Margreet; Blanco García, Francisco J; Haugen, Ida K.; Berenbaum, Francis; Lafeber, Floris; Welsing, Paco M.J. (Oxford, 2020-12-25)
      [Abstract] Objectives: To assess underlying domains measured by GaitSmartTMparameters and whether these are additional to established OA markers including patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) and radiographic parameters, ...
    • The association of the lipid profile with knee and hand osteoarthritis severity: the IMI-APPROACH cohort 

      Loef, Marieke; van de Stadt, L.; Böhringer, S.; Bay-Jensen, Anne-C.; Mobasheri, Ali; Larkin, Jonathan; Lafeber, Floris P.J.G.; Blanco García, Francisco J; Haugen, Ida K.; Berenbaum, Francis; Giera, M.; Ioan-Facsinay, Andreea; Kloppenburg, Margreet (Elsevier, 2022-05-27)
      [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the association of the lipidomic profile with osteoarthritis (OA) severity, considering the outcomes radiographic knee and hand OA, pain and function. Design: We used baseline data ...