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dc.contributor.authorBenso Calvo, Carmen
dc.contributor.authorCid Galante, Rosa María
dc.identifier.citationSarmiento Anuario galego de historia da educación, 2004, 8: 43-76. ISSN: 1138-5863es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Resumo] Neste artigo dáse a coñece-lo proceso de expansión e reforma da escola priva- da da provincia de Ourense de principios do século XX no contexto das novas esixencias da lexislación escolar relativas ós centros de ensinanza non oficiais e da dinámica da socie- dade ourensá da época. Servíndonos de fontes primarias inéditas, o estudo permitiunos precisar aspectos tales como a distribución xeográfica das escolas, os seus tipos, os desti- natarios e as persoas que solicitan abrir unha escola particular e reconstruí-las condicións da escolarización dos nenos e nenas que asisten a estes centros, dando resposta ós seguintes interrogantes: ¿quen ensina?, ¿que se ensina?, ¿onde se ensina?, ¿cando se ensina?, ¿a quen se ensina? e ¿como se ensina? Desta análise infírese un modelo de escola privada que difire do que domina noutros ámbitos do territorio galego.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] This article presents the process of expansion and reform undergone by pri- vate schools in the province of Ourense in the 20th century in terms of the new impositions as required by the educational legislation passed to regulate non-official educational centers and in the context of the dynamics of the society of Ourense at that time. Drawing on unpu- blished primary sources, the study details aspects such as the geographic distribution of the schools, the types of schools, the student body targeted and the people who applied for a permit to open a private school. The study also reconstructs the conditions under which the children who attended these schools were educated, focusing on the following questions. Who were the teachers? What did they teach? Where did they teach? When did they teach? Who did they teach? How did they teach? This analysis points to a private school model that differs from the one prevalent in other areas of Galicia.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruñaes_ES
dc.titleA ensinanza privada en Ourense a principios de séculoes_ES

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