L'evolució de l'escola rural i perspectives de futur: una panorámica sobre la política educativa

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L'evolució de l'escola rural i perspectives de futur: una panorámica sobre la política educativaAutor(es)
2000Cita bibliográfica
Sarmiento Anuario galego de historia da educación, 2000, 4: 83-97. ISSN: 1138-5863
[Abstract] Rural education in this country has fortunately undergone a favorable evolu-
tion over the course of time. While rural schools were, in many aspects, impoverished until
the late 1970s, starting in the 1980s they have undergone considerable improvement, at
least in Cataluña. Yet, despite this change for the better, the rural school is not completely
up to standards. Proof of this is that year alter year rural schools close for different reasons.
Since we are of the opinion that the rural school has great potential for human relations-
hips and particularly, for the purpose of education, we put have forth a number of different
strategies to promote rrs consolidation.