Teoría de Holland

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Teoría de HollandAuthor(s)
Revista galego-portuguesa de psicoloxía e educación, 2001, 7: 155-169 ISSN: 1138-1663
[Resumo] o traballo de Holland céntrase sobre o estudio dos tipos (tipoloxía). El entende que a maioría das persoas parécense, maiormente, a un dos seis tipos básicos de personalidade (Realista, Investigador, Artístico, Social, Emprendedor e Convencional) e que é probable que manifesten conductas e rasgos asociados a estes tipo. Do mesmo xeito que hai seis tipos de personalidade tamén hai seis tipos de ambientes nos que as persoas se desenvolven e que poden ser descritos de acordo con determinados atributos e características. Os ambientes están caracterizados pola xente que os ocupa. A conducta estará determinada pola interacción entre tipos e ambientes [Abstract] The work of Holland is centered in the study ofthe types (tipology). He understands that most of the persons are seemed, to some extent, to one of the six basic types of personality (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional) and that it is probable that express conduct and features associated with that type. In the same way that there are six types of personality, there are six types of environments in those which the persons are developed and that they can be described according to given attributes and characteristic. The environments are characterized by the people that occupies them. The conduct will be determined by the interaction among types and ambient.