Browsing Traballos académicos (FIC) by Acedemic Degree "Máster Universitario en Matemática Industrial"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Acoustic characterization of absorbing materials using dynamic mode decomposition techniques
(2020-07-21)[Abstract] In general, the simulation of physical phenomena through numerical methods tends to be a computationally intensive task, but this is particularly true in the eld of acoustics. Due to the fast changing derivatives ... -
Modeling and reconstruction of Temperature, Wind, and Atmospheric Pressure fields in a 2D area from the information provided by the cartography of the interested region.
(2020-07-20)[Abstract] In the present work, the temperature, wind, and atmospheric pressure elds were calculated in a two- dimensional area by using a model for laminar and incompressible ow with heat transfer. The Navier- Stokes ... -
Optimization of an acoustic intensity P-U probe design using numerical methods
(2018)[Abstract] In this master thesis a mathematical model for an acoustic P-U probe is stated and solved numerically. Firstly, the acoustic problem stated in a bounded domain is studied, and then this analysis is extended ... -
Parametrización de espectros en Resonancia Magnética Nuclear
(2019)[Resumo] O presente texto é a síntese do traballo levado a cabo na empresa Mestrelab Research no campo do procesamento de espectros en resonancia magn ética nuclear (RMN) por parte do alumno Pablo Sánchez González. ... -
Vibroacoustic Quantification of a Coastal Seabed
(2024-07)[Resumo]: O proxecto NumSeaHy céntrase en crear xemelgos dixitais das contornas do fondo mariño para simular e predicir interaccións vibro-acústicas que ocorren nestes ecosistemas. O seu obxectivo é profundar na comprensión ...