Browsing Facultade de Informática by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 2297
Parsing as resolution
(1993)[Abstract] A general context-free parsing algoritm based on logical dynamic programming techniques is described. The analyzer takes a general class of context-free grammar as drivers, and any finite string as input. In an ... -
Instrumentation of Synchronous Reactive Models for Performance Engineering
(Springer-Verlag, 1995) -
Communication protocols verification with Esterel
(Computational Mechanics Publications, 1995)[Abstract] This work summarizes design, implementation and verification processes of a digital telephone switchboard in the Esterel real-time programming environment. Our aim is to show the modularity in the description ... -
Verificación de conexiones telefónicas con esterel
(1995)[Resumen] El presente trabajo resume el proceso de diseño, implementación y verificación del comportamiento de una centralita telefónica digital en el entorno de programación de tiempo real síncrono Esterel. Nuestra intención ... -
Parallel Sparse Modified Gram-Schmidt QR Decomposition
(Springer, 1996)[Abstract] We present a parallel computational method for the QR decomposition with column pivoting of a sparse matrix by means of Modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Nonzero elements of the matrix M to be decomposed ... -
Sparse Householder QR factorization on a mesh
(IEEE Computer Society, 1996-01)[Abstract] We analyze the parallelization of QR factorization by means of Householder transformations. This parallelization is carried out on a machine with a mesh topology (a 2-D torus to be more precise). We use a cyclic ... -
Sparse Givens QR Factorization on a Multiprocessor
(IEEE Computer Society, 1996-06-01)[Abstract] We present a parallel algorithm for the QR factorization with column pivoting of a sparse matrix by means of Givens rotations. Nonzero elements of the matrix M to be decomposed are stored in a one dimensional ... -
A tagger environment for Galician
(1998)[Abstract] In this paper, we introduce a tagger environment for Galician, the native language of Galicia. Galician belongs to the group of Romance languages which developed from the Latin imposed on the north-west of the ... -
GALENA: tabular DCG parsing for natural languages
(1998)[Abstract] We present a definite clause based parsing environment for natural languages, whose operational model is the dynamic interpretation of logical push-down automata. We attempt to briefly explain our design decisions ... -
A PVM Based Library for Sparse Matrix Factorizations
(Springer, 1998)[Abstract] We present 3LM, a C Linked List Management Library for parallel sparse factorizations on a PVM environment which takes into account the fill-in, an important drawback of sparse computations. It is restricted to ... -
HPF-2 Support for Dynamic Sparse Computations
(Springer, 1998)[Abstract] There is a class of sparse matrix computations, such as direct solvers of systems of linear equations, that change the fill-in (nonzero entries) of the coefficient matrix, and involve row and column operations ... -
Nuevos algoritmos tabulares para el análisis de LIG
(1999)[Resumen] A partir de un algoritmo de tipo CYK se desarrolla una serie de nuevos algoritmos tabulares para el análisis de Gramáticas Lineales de Índices que incluye algoritmos ascendentes y algoritmos de tipo Earley con y ... -
Finite-State Morphology and Formal Verification
(Cambridge University Press, 1999) -
Recursive local polynomial regression under dependence conditions
(Springer, 2000)In the case of the random design nonparametric regression, one recursive local polynomial smoother is considered. Expressions for the bias and the variance matrix of the estimators of the regression function and its ... -
On a FEM--BEM formulation for an exterior quasilinear problem in the plane
(Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2000-05)[Abstract] We use a version of the FEM--BEM method introduced by Costabel [ Boundary Elements IX, Vol. 1, C. A. Brebbia et al., eds., Springer-Verlag, 1987] and Han [ J. Comput. Math., 8 (1990), pp. 223--232] to discretize ... -
Compilation methods of minimal acyclic finite-state automata for large dictionaries.
(Springer-Verlag, 2001)[Abstract] We present a reflection on the evolution of the different methods for constructing minimal deterministic acyclic finite-state automata from a finite set of words. We outline the most important methods, including ... -
Local polynomial regression estimation with correlated errors
(Taylor & Francis, 2001)In this paper, we study the nonparametric estimation of the regression function and its derivatives using weighted local polynomial fitting. Consider the fixed regression model and suppose that the random observation ... -
Stochastic parsing and parallelism
(Springer-Verlag, 2001)[Abstract] Parsing CYK-like algorithms are inherently parallel: there are a lot of cells in the chart that can be calculated simultaneously. In this work, we present a study on the appropriate techniques of paralle-lism ... -
Integrating external dictionaries into Part-of-speech taggers
(2001)[Abstract] The highest performances in part-of-speech tagging have been obtained by using stochastic methods, such as hidden Markov models. The running parameters of a hidden Markov model for tagging can be estimated from ... -
Influencia del contexto en la calidad de la entrevista clínica en fisioterapia
(Elsevier, 2001)[Resumen] La calidad es un tema que está de actualidad no sólo en su vertiente científico técnica, sino también en el aspecto de las relaciones humanas. Si bien es un asunto muy abordado en varias profesiones sanitarias, ...