Browsing Investigación (EPEF) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 581
A benchmark problem with singularities for multibody system dynamics formulations with constraints
(Springer, 2023-04-19)[Abstract] When performing the numerical integration of multibody systems (MBS) dynamics, it is possible to choose from a wide variety of methods and implementations. Selecting the most appropriate option for a particular ... -
A collaborative benchmarking framework for multibody system dynamics
(Springer, 2009)[Abstract] Despite the importance given to the computational efficiency of multibody system (MBS) simulation tools, there is a lack of standard benchmarks to measure the performance of these kinds of numerical simulations. ... -
A comparison of para, meta, and ortho-carborane centred non-fullerene acceptors for organic solar cells
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023-03-28)[Abstract]: We report the first examples of carborane-containing non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs), and their use in organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices. NFAs employing an A–D–A′–D–A type design centred around a central electron ... -
A complement to autotuning methods on PID controllers
(International Federation of Automatic Control, 2000)[Abstract] This paper describes a complement to the autotuning ATV method. The proposed strategy is based in a frequency response design technique to get a three-term controller as a special case of a lead-lag design. The ... -
A computer vision system for identification of granite-forming minerals based on RGB data and artificial neural networks
(Elsevier, 2017-12-19)[Abstract]: Granitic stones are widely used in the field of Cultural Heritage in the north-western Iberian Peninsula. In some activities regarding conservation, such as the laser cleaning, it is of great interest the ... -
A Constrained Programming Model for the Optimization of Industrial-Scale Scheduling Problems in the Shipbuilding Industry
(MDPI, 2023-07-29)[Abstract]: This work presents an innovative constrained programming model for solving a flexible job-shop scheduling problem with assemblies and limited buffer capacity based on a real case from the shipbuilding industry. ... -
A distributed topology for identifying anomalies in an industrial environment
(Springer, 2022)[Abstract] The devastating consequences of climate change have resulted in the promotion of clean energies, being the wind energy the one with greater potential. This technology has been developed in recent years following ... -
A Fair and EMG‑Validated Comparison of Recruitment Criteria, Musculotendon Models and Muscle Coordination Strategies, for the Inverse‑Dynamics Based Optimization of Muscle Forces During Gait
(BioMed Central Ltd., 2021-01)[Abstract] Experimental studies and EMG collections suggest that a specific strategy of muscle coordination is chosen by the central nervous system to perform a given motor task. A popular mathematical approach for solving ... -
A fault detection system based on unsupervised techniques for industrial control loops
(Wiley, 2019-08)[Abstract] This research describes a novel approach for fault detection in industrial processes, by means of unsupervised and projectionist techniques. The proposed method includes a visual tool for the detection of faults, ... -
A fault detection system for a geothermal heat exchanger sensor based on intelligent techniques
(MDPI, 2019-06-18)[Abstract ]:This paper proposes a methodology for dealing with an issue of crucial practical importance in real engineering systems such as fault detection and recovery of a sensor. The main goal is to define a strategy ... -
A Fault-Detection System Approach for the Optimization of Warship Equipment Replacement Parts Based on Operation Parameters
(MDPI, 2023-03-23)[Abstract] Systems engineering plays a key role in the naval sector, focusing on how to design, integrate, and manage complex systems throughout their life cycle; it is therefore difficult to conceive functional warships ... -
A Fractional Derivative Modeling of Heating and Cooling of LED Luminaires
(MDPI, 2020-03)[Abstract] In the context of energy efficient lighting, we present a mathematical study of the heating and cooling processes of a common type of luminaires, consisting of a single light-emitting diode source in thermal ... -
A Framework for the Development of Context-Adaptable User Interfaces for Ubiquitous Computing Systems
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2016)This paper addresses the problem of developing user interfaces for Ubiquitous Computing (UC) and Ambient Intelligence (AmI) systems. These kind of systems are expected to provide a natural user experience, considering ... -
A Hybrid Algorithm for Missing Data Imputation and Its Application to Electrical Data Loggers
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2016)The storage of data is a key process in the study of electrical power networks related to the search for harmonics and the finding of a lack of balance among phases. The presence of missing data of any of the main electrical ... -
A hybrid intelligent model to predict the hydrogen concentration in the producer gas from a downdraft gasifier
(Elsevier, 2022-06-05)[Abstract] This research work presents an artificial intelligence approach to predicting the hydrogen concentration in the producer gas from biomass gasification. An experimental gasification plant consisting of an air-blown ... -
A Hybrid Intelligent Modeling approach for predicting the solar thermal panel energy production
(Elsevier, 2024-01-14)[Abstract] There is no doubt that the European Union is undergoing an ecological transition, with renewable energies accounting for an increasing share of energy consumption in the Member States. In Spain, solar energy is ... -
A Hybrid Intelligent System to Forecast Solar Energy Production
(Elsevier, 2019-08-07)[Abstarct]: There is wide acknowledgement that solar energy is a promising and renewable source of electricity. However, complementary sources are sometimes required, due to its limited capacity, in order to satisfy user ... -
A hybrid one-class approach for detecting anomalies in industrial systems
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2022-03-08)[Abstract]: The significant advance of Internet of Things in industrial environments has provided the possibility of monitoring the different variables that come into play in an industrial process. This circumstance allows ... -
A Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Attitude Estimation Using Time Variable Matrices and Quaternions
(MDPI, 2020)[Abstract] The nonlinear problem of sensing the attitude of a solid body is solved by a novel implementation of the Kalman Filter. This implementation combines the use of quaternions to represent attitudes, time-varying ... -
A Logistic Approach for Kinetics of Isothermal Pyrolysis of Cellulose
(MDPI, 2021-03)[Abstract] A kinetic model is proposed to fit isothermal thermogravimetric data obtained from cellulose in an inert atmosphere at different temperatures. The method used here to evaluate the model involves two steps: (1) ...