Browsing Escola Técnica Superior de Náutica e Máquinas by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 175
A bike trips survey as an impetus for the transition to sustainable cities and societies
(Elsevier, 2023)[Abstract] This study aims to analyse the factors and strategies that condition the bicycle's use and highlight various unknown facts about the electric bicycle. To identify the brakes (examples: road safety, urban culture ... -
A Comparison of Different Methods for Rainfall Imputation: A Galician Case Study
(MDPI, 2023)[Abstract] Abstract With the ultimate goal of developing models that involve the use of environmental variables, a GIS-based application is being developed that is circumscribed to the region of Galicia (Spain). Ten-minute ... -
A Detailed Identification of Classificatory Variables in Ship Accidents: A Spanish Case Study
(MDPI, 2021)[Abstract] The present paper shows an original study of more than 163 ship accidents in Spain showing which of the usually employed variables are related to each type of vessel accident due to the lack of information in ... -
A Global Review of PWR Nuclear Power Plants
(MDPI, 2020-06-27)[Abstract] Nuclear energy is presented as a real option in the face of the current problem of climate change and the need to reduce CO2 emissions. The nuclear reactor design with the greatest global impact throughout history ... -
A New Design Criterion to Improve the Intact Stability of Galician Small Fishing Vessels
(MDPI, 2020-07-07)[Abstract] The first technical factor involved in maritime accidents is related to the lack of intact stability. The current stability criterion, based on fixing a minimum value for each of the di erent static and dynamic ... -
A New Methodology for Decision-Making in Buildings Energy Optimization
(MDPI, 2020-06-30)[Abstract] When designing or retrofitting a building, not too many tools let architects and engineers to define the optimal conditions to reduce energy consumption with the minimal economic investment. This is because ... -
A New Methodology for Optimization of Lashing Lines in the Securing Arrangement of Non-Standardized Cargo on Ships
(MDPI, 2024)[Abstract] The stowage plan and the securing arrangement of non-standardized cargo are some of the most important aspects in terms of cargo safety and economic costs. For this reason, the optimization of this operation is ... -
A new procedure to analyze the effect of air changes in building energy consumption
(Springer, 2014)[Abstract] Background: Today, the International Energy Agency is working under good practice guides that integrate appropriate and cost effective technologies. In this paper a new procedure to define building energy ... -
A New Procedure to Design an Open Circuit Blowing Subsonic Moist-AirWind Tunnel
(MDPI, 2023)[Abstract] The present research work shows how a functional subsonic moist-air wind tunnel has been designed. Although this type of wind tunnel has never been developed to date, it is particularly interesting to develop a ... -
A New Understanding and Modelling of TSP and BP Indices Compared to Safety IMO Ship Requirements
(MDPI, 2021)[Abstract] Due to the lack of information about the concept of Tons of Steering Pull (TSP) of many escort tugs, and the lack of research works relating the TSP demanded by a tethered vessel with respect to the TSP provided ... -
A Novel Method Based on Neural Networks for Designing Internal Coverings in Buildings: Energy Saving and Thermal Comfort
(2019)[Abstract] Although several papers define energy saving and thermal comfort optimization with internal coverings materials, none of them deal with predictive models to improve design in building constructions. Thus, ... -
A Novel Method for nZEB Internal Coverings Design Based on Neural Networks
(2019)[Abstract] Research from the International Energy Agency about indoor ambiences and nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) in the past has been centred on di erent aspects such as the prediction of indoor conditions as a ... -
Accident Risk Factors in Conventional and High Speed Ferry Ships in Spain
(Universidad de Cantabria. ETS de Náutica, 2012)[Abstract] Objective: studying the basic causes of marine casualties in conventional and high speed passenger ships over short distances (ferry ships). Identification of risk factors for most common accidents. Method: a ... -
Adaptación de la propulsión de un buque portacontenedores para consumo de GNL
(2017)[Resumen]A medida que avanzamos en el tiempo las restricciones respecto a la contaminación de los buques es cada vez más estricta. En la actualidad, para cumplir con la normativa, se están construyendo buques propulsados ... -
Air Changes for Healthy Indoor Ambiences under Pandemic Conditions and Its Energetic Implications: A Galician Case Study
(MDPI, 2020-10-14)[Abstract] The present paper aims to show a mathematical understanding of the e_ect of ventilation rate over building energy consumption. Moreover, as a case study to show this methodology,a proposal was analyzed of modifying ... -
Analisis de viabilidad de un parque undimotriz offshore sobre fondo arenoso en la costa norte de Galicia
(2020)[Resumo] A enerxía undimotriz e unha enerxía que permite obter electricidade a partir de enerxía mecánica xerada polo movemento das ondas do mar. O obxectivo deste traballo é atopar a mellor situación para un parque de ... -
Analysis and Comparison of Spatial–Temporal Entropy Variability of Tehran City Microclimate Based on Climate Change Scenarios
(MDPI, 2019)[Abstract] Urban microclimate patterns can play a great role for the allocation and management of cooling and heating energy sources, urban design and architecture, and urban heat island control. Therefore, the present ... -
Analysis of environmental impacts and costs of a residential building over its entire life cycle to achieve nearly zero energy and low emission objectives
(Elsevier, 2022)[Abstract] Nowadays, European Union (EU) requests that all its members encourage Net-zero energy and emission in the buildings by 2050. There are multiple studies within the EU related to this field, but few of them are ... -
Análisis de implementación de amoníaco como combustible para la propulsión de buques mercantes
(2022)[Resumen] En la actualidad, las restricciones impuestas por la Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) sobre las emisiones producidas por los buques mercantes, especialmente en determinadas zonas como las ECA (Emission ... -
Análisis de los resultados académicos obtenidos en las materias de los estudios de Náutica en función de la vinculación de competencias profesionales
(REDINE (Red de Investigación e Innovación Educativa), 2023)[Resumen] La posesión del título de Grado en Náutica y Transporte Marítimo es obligatoria para ejercer como Piloto de la Marina Mercante. Por ello, el título debe satisfacer los requisitos demandados por el Convenio STCW, ...