Browsing Investigacion (ETSAC) by Title
Now showing items 471-490 of 510
La tempestad en el silo: reutilización de un almacén de grano para representaciones teatrales
(CICEES, 2015)Elementos fundamentales del patrimonio industrial agroalimentario, los silos y almacenes de grano se han convertido en hitos del paisaje reconocibles con mínimas diferencias en diversos lugares del mundo. En la actualidad, ... -
Una temporada en Mondariz. La vida en un gran balneario gallego a finales del siglo XIX.
(Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2013)[Resumen] El balneario de Mondariz, situado al sureste de la provincia de Pontevedra, inicia su historia en 1873, cuando sus aguas son declaradas de utilidad pública. A lo largo de casi cincuenta años de desarrollo ... -
The chapels of labor universities: recovering modernity in spanish architecture of the 20th Century
(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014) -
The Energy Efficiency Plan of the University of a Coruña: a Commitment to Photovoltaic Solar Energy in The Face of The Challenge of Renewable Energies
(Universitas Diponegoro, 2023)[Abstract] Since 2020, the University of a Coruña (UDC) has been developing an Energy Efficiency Plan that is already yielding its first beneficial results. An ambitious plan to renovate the building envelopes to make them ... -
The House at the Waterfront as the Root of a New Regionalism
(Technical University Gheorghe Asachi from Iasi, 2013)Modern houses built on the waterfront are interesting examples of how architecture combines constructive and spatial evolution that occurs in the first decades of the twentieth century with the search for a new regionalism, ... -
The Limited Effect of Graphic Elements in Video and Augmented Reality on Children’s Listening Comprehension
(MDPI, 2020-01-10)[Abstract] There is currently significant interest in the use of instructional strategies in learning environments thanks to the emergence of new multimedia systems that combine text, audio, graphics and video, such ... -
The visibility of women architects in Galicia: wome in architectural journals
(2014-06)[Abstract] A survey of the presence of female Galician architects in Spanish architectural journals reveals the limited visibility and scant professional and cultural recognition of these women’s work. The lack of female ... -
Timber spatial trusses using hollow bars
(2011)[Abstract] A self-tensioning system that improves the behavior of elements under bending is described, from a resistant point of view such as deformations. The system is based in a force multiplying device tied in the ... -
Timber Specimens Parametrized Design for Numerical Analysis
(WIT press, 2006)[Abstract] The characterization of materials or the study of resistant response associated with new constructive solutions often convey progressive adjustment of models of analysis starting from the results obtained by ... -
Timber-Concrete Composite Structural Flooring System
(Elsevier, 2022-05-15)[Abstract] An integrated solution is presented for the execution of building structures using timber-concrete composite (TCC) sections that make efficient use of the mechanical properties of both materials. The system ... -
Timber-Concrete-Composite Beams with Discrete Perforated Steel Plate Shear Connectors
(Nyrud, A. Q. and Malo, K. A. et al., 2023-06)[Abstract] This paper describes an experimental research on timber-concrete-composite (TCC) beams made with discrete perforated steel plates shear connectors. The research included shear tests on different connectors made ... -
Timber-Timber-Composite (TTC) beam long-term behaviour. Full scale experimental campaign and simplified analytical model
(Elsevier, 2022-12-26)[Abstract] The variability of the physical and mechanical properties of wood requires that the analysis of its long-term behavior take into account all the factors capable of modifying these properties. The environmental ... -
Time-averaged shallow water model: asymptotic derivation and numerical validation
(2015)The objective of this paper is to derive, from the Navier-Stokes equations in a shallow domain,a new bidimensional shallow water model able to filter the high frequency oscillations that are produced, when the Reynolds ... -
TIP-CAVI 2. Tipos y programas de Centros de Acogida para víctimas de violencia de género
(2019-12)TIP CAVI2, Tipos y Programas de Centros de Acogida para Víctimas de Violencia de Género María Carreiro Otero, Cándido López González, Selina Ugarte Fidalgo, Paula Vázquez García El Pacto de Estado contra la Violencia ... -
Topologia e tipologia, a parcela gótica
(Portuguese-Speaking Network of Urban Morphology (PNUM), 2019-12-02)[Resumo] O conceito de topologia encontra-se perfeitamente definido “estuda certas propriedades das figuras geométricas, entre elas estão aquelas que não variam quando as figuras são deformadas”, enquanto a tipologia tem ... -
Las torres coruñesas. Construcción vertical de la ciudad en el siglo XX
(Editorial Aroe, 2024-10-07)[Resumen] Este libro es el catálogo de la muestra "Las torres coruñesas. Exposición de trabajos de Historia de la Arquitectura", organizada por el Ayuntamiento de A Coruña en la sala de exposiciones del Palacio Municipal, ... -
Torroja y las láminas de hormigón en la posguerra española:el gimnasio-piscina de la Escuela naval de Marín
(S.Huerta, 2005)El recinto militar de la Escuela Naval de Marín alberga numerosos edificios de tamaños, funciones y estilos diversos, que sirven a las distintas instalaciones militares. Gran parte de estos edificios se construyó en ... -
Towards Passive Working Environments : Free Running Office in Guadalajara, Mexico
(Universidade da Coruña, 2020)[Abstract] Unlike vernacular architecture, most of the newly built office buildings in Mexico are poorly adapted to the climate. The main reason is a lack of normative to limit and regulate the environmental performance ... -
Traditional Water Management in Contemporary Urbanity
(Universidade da Coruña, 2020) -
Las transformaciones sufridas en los edificios del casco histórico de Lugo en el segundo cuarto del siglo XX, a través de los expedientes de obras del ayuntamiento
(Universidad de Granada, 2022-12)[Resumen] En ocasiones los expedientes de obras municipales nos permiten conocer el aspecto, casi siempre externo, la fachada principal, pero también la distribución de los espacios interiores, de edificios que serán ...