Browsing Investigacion (ETSAC) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 510
A Coruña: arquitectura desaparecida. Los espacios del ocio
(COAG, 2004)[Resumen] Durante el siglo XIX y la primera mitad del siglo XX, la ciudad de A Coruña fue el referente de una sociedad ociosa y próspera para la población de Galicia, donde el carácter liberal de sus autoridades había ... -
A Coruña: plaza fuerte, Castillo de San Antón y bahía.
(Fundación Juanelo Turriano, 2014)En el último cuarto del siglo XVIII, el pintor Mariano Sánchez emprendió una serie de viajes por España para tomar las vistas de sus principales puertos. Este encargo del rey dio como resultado un conjunto excepcional de ... -
A dynamic problem involving a coupled suspension bridge system : numerical analysis and computational experiments
(American Institute of Mathematical sciences, 2019)[Abstract]: In this paper we study, from the numerical point of view, a dynamic problem which models a suspension bridge system. This problem is written as a nonlinear system of hyperbolic partial differential equations ... -
A Geo-data Collection Strategy to Assess Housing in Its Social, Environmental, and Spatial Aspects
(Lifelong Learning EU, 2022-02-15)[Abstract] Blocks of flats are the most abundant built element in many cities and their quality is an important issue. Undergraduate students often occupy these accommodations and this group describes a wide range of ... -
A New Approach To Expandable Structures: Crossed Expandable Frames (X-Frames)
(IASS, 2019)The use of expandable structures in the field of building began in the 1960s, based on the pioneering work of Emilio Pérez Piñero. They underwent significant developments at the end of the 20th century, with typologies ... -
A new building structural system using timber-concrete-composite members
(World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), 2023-06)[Abstract] This paper presents a novel system for the construction of building structures based on the use of timberconcrete-composite pieces (floors, beams and columns). Beams and floors are composed of a prefabricated ... -
A New Building System: Structural Aspects of CotaCero System
(Francis & Taylor, 2013)[Abstract] A serious problem of the construction of buildings is produced by the need to work at high levels. This implies a high risk to workers and increases the cost and timing of the work. -
A new methodology for element partition and integration procedures for XFEM
(Elsevier, 2016)[Abstract] An overview of the particularities of the extended finite element method implementation in contrast with the classical FEM is presented. The most relevant difficulty lies in the integration over elements containing ... -
A new reciprocal linkage for expandable emergency structures
(Elsevier, 2020)Expandable structures have certain qualities in terms of lightness and transportability which make them very useful as emergency buildings, a research line that is being developed by the authors. However, these structures ... -
A new system of deployable structures with reciprocal linkages for emergency buildings
(Elsevier, 2021)Deployable structures are a good solution for emergency buildings, due to their lightness and compact nature which means they can be transported to where they are needed. Nevertheless, the deployable structures studied to ... -
A new thin layer model for viscous flow between two nearby non-static surfaces
(Wiley, 2023)[Abstract:] We propose a two-dimensional flow model of a viscous fluid between two close moving surfaces. We show, using a formal asymptotic expansion of the solution, that its asymptotic behavior, when the distance between ... -
A New Type of Reciprocal Structures: Deployable Yurts for Emergency Situations
(2021-01-11)[Abstract] Deployable structures are a good solution for emergency buildings due to their lightweight and compact characteristics that allow them to be transported to wherever they are needed, especially in emergency ... -
Acerca del dibujo de Óscar Niemeyer
(Asociación Española de Departamentos Universitarios de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, 2010)[abstract:]This study is a continuation and development of the communication presented to the International Congress of Architectural Graphic Expression. In that communication it was intended to answer the question of the ... -
Aesthetical Appeal and Dissemination of Architectural Heritage Photographs in Instagram
(MDPI, 2020)[Abstract] Image-based social networks are environments where users share their photographs and involuntarily contribute to evolve and to spread the meaning of things. For this reason, it is essential to use this source ... -
Albert Speer y los dibujos de ruinas futuras
(Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, 2022)[Resumen]Para Albert Speer, el arquitecto oficial del Tercer Reich, la representación gráfica de la arquitectura tuvo un papel importante, más allá de lo habitual para cualquier arquitecto. Bocetos intercambiados con Hitler ... -
La aldea como ‘espacio hídrico”
(Universidad de Zaragoza, 2018)[Resumen] En los territorios de los valles altos de Galicia, las aldeas responden al secular conocimiento y manejo de la escorrentía del agua. Se emplazan a media ladera, entre el monte -donde las brañas, “chaos” y ... -
Alejandro de la Sota. Pensar la arquitectura, dibujar el pensamiento
(Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2019-04-08)[Resumen] El arquitecto gallego Alejandro de la Sota (1913-1996) fue uno de los más significativos de la arquitectura española del siglo xx. Con el paso del tiempo se convirtió en un arquitecto “de culto”, entendiendo ... -
Alejandro de la Sota: o arquitecto. Características arquitectónicas do Pazo de Bastiagueiro
(Universidade da Coruña. INEF Galicia, 2011) -
Alineaciones y explanaciones de superficies topográficas
(2014-11-25)Análisis básico de una porción de territorio a través del estudio de las curvas de nivel, que lo estratifican, entendiendo estas como elementos fundamentales en el conocimiento del suelo donde se pretende actuar. A partir ... -
An Integrated Planning Methodology for a Just Climatic Transition in Rural Settlements
(MDPI, 2024-12)[Abstract]The article presents the findings of a research project that focuses on the role of rural areas as key players in addressing the current climate emergency. The article addresses the challenge of a just energy ...