Now showing items 1-10 of 108
Timber-Concrete Composite Structural Flooring System
(Elsevier, 2022-05-15)
[Abstract] An integrated solution is presented for the execution of building structures using timber-concrete composite (TCC) sections that make efficient use of the mechanical properties of both materials. The system ...
World Expos and architectonic structures :An intimate relationship
(Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), Paris., 2019-02)
[Abstract] This article approaches, in a summarized way, the existing relations between World Expos and architectural structures, establishing the diverse historical stages existing in this relation. Likewise, it explains, ...
Deployable Cylindrical Vaults With Reciprocal Linkages for Emergency Buildings
(Elsevier, 2021-10)
Deployable bar structures are especially useful for emergency buildings. These structures require simplicity and ease of assembly and their performance can be improve by using reciprocal linkage at their bars ...
Nature as a Source of Inspiration for the Structure of the Sydney Opera House
(MDPI, 2022-02-02)
[Abstract] Architects throughout the ages have looked to nature for answers to complex questions about the most appropriate structural forms for their buildings. This is the case of Jørn Utzon and the design of roof shells ...
Deployable space grids with lockable joints
(Sage Publications Ltd., 2021-03-17)
[Abstract] The use of deployable structures in architecture began in the 1960s, based on the pioneering work of Emilio Pérez Piñero. It has had an interesting development using bundle or scissor modules, but with solutions ...
Timber-Timber-Composite (TTC) beam long-term behaviour. Full scale experimental campaign and simplified analytical model
(Elsevier, 2022-12-26)
The variability of the physical and mechanical properties of wood requires that the analysis of its long-term behavior take into account all the factors capable of modifying these properties. The environmental ...
CTE SE-F: Addenda a dos artículos sobre estructuras de fábrica.
El artículo revisa las diferencias más significativas que existen entre el Eurocódigo 6 - Estructuras de Fábrica, UNE-ENV 1996-1-1 de junio de 1995, y la versión final (noviembre de 2003) del Código Técnico de la Edificación ...
Casos singulares de orientación de las iglesias románicas
(Amigos del Románico, 2018)
El espacio divinizado. Universidad Laboral de Gijón
Análisis histórico, material y estructural de la bóveda de la Capilla de la Universidad Laboral de Gijón, que se convierte en el mayor espacio abovedado del siglo XX. El empleo de la fábrica como medio material y la ...
La orientación de las iglesias mozárabes
(diciones Complutense, 2018)
[Resumen] Las iglesias mozárabes plantean numerosos puntos dudosos, empezando por el propio concepto de mozárabe, muy discutido por los especialistas. Uno de ellos es su orientación, que tiene algunas características propias ...