Now showing items 1-10 of 35
Timber-Concrete Composite Structural Flooring System
(Elsevier, 2022-05-15)
[Abstract] An integrated solution is presented for the execution of building structures using timber-concrete composite (TCC) sections that make efficient use of the mechanical properties of both materials. The system ...
Timber-Timber-Composite (TTC) beam long-term behaviour. Full scale experimental campaign and simplified analytical model
(Elsevier, 2022-12-26)
The variability of the physical and mechanical properties of wood requires that the analysis of its long-term behavior take into account all the factors capable of modifying these properties. The environmental ...
Flexural behaviour of a new timber-concrete composite structural flooring system. Full scale testing
(Elsevier Ltd, 2023-04-01)
[Abstract] Timber-concrete composite systems are a high-performance alternative for building floors, of great interest in the current context of environmental concerns. Looking for a more eco-friendly solution, the paper ...
Patente ES 2411854 A1 Broca para la ejecución de ensanchamientos en taladros
Broca para la ejecución de ensanchamientos en taladros, que tiene una pluralidad de grupos de cuchillas a lo largo de una longitud determinada de dicha broca. Los grupos de cuchillas están conectados entre sí mediante ...
Patente ES 2281271 Sistema de fijación de barras en madera mediante bulbo adhesivo
El problema técnico planteado hace referencia a la mejora de la fijación de barras de cualquier tipo y material en elementos estructurales de madera con objeto de mejorar su anclaje. La solución aportada consiste en la ...
New system of self-tensioning for long-span wooden structural floors
(TU Verlag Wien, 2016)
[Abstract] A self-tensioning system that improves the behavior of elements under bending is described, from a resistant point of view such as deformations. The system is based in a force multiplying device tied in the ...
Full scale testing of timber-concrete composite floors in an overhanging configuration
(Elsevier, 2023-06-19)
The behavior of timber-concrete composite floors in an overhanging configuration has been analysed. The floor consisted of a prefabricated T-shape piece formed by a glulam flange glued to a plywood rib and ...
Timber-Concrete-Composite Beams with Discrete Perforated Steel Plate Shear Connectors
(Nyrud, A. Q. and Malo, K. A. et al., 2023-06)
[Abstract] This paper describes an experimental research on timber-concrete-composite (TCC) beams made with
discrete perforated steel plates shear connectors. The research included shear tests on different connectors made ...
Structural modelling of medieval walls
(University of Minho, 2001)
Sistemas constructivos medievales a menudo involucrados la construcción de múltiples capas
paredes formadas por dos caras de sillería o mampostería con un relleno central que consiste en
escombros ligada con mortero, ...
Patente ES2129308 A1 Nudo de enlace de barras de sección hueca de madera laminada encolada para la conformación de estructuras espaciales
[Resumen] Nudo de enlace de barras de sección hueca de madera laminada encolada para la conformación de estructuras espaciales. La presente invención hace referencia al dispositivo utilizado para la unión de barras de ...