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dc.contributor.authorGonzález-Díaz, Humberto
dc.contributor.authorArrasate, Sonia
dc.contributor.authorSotomayor, Nuria
dc.contributor.authorLete, Esther
dc.contributor.authorMunteanu, Cristian-Robert
dc.contributor.authorPazos, A.
dc.contributor.authorBesada-Porto, Lina
dc.contributor.authorRuso, Juan M.
dc.identifier.citationGonzález-Díaz H, Arrasate S, Sotomayor N, Lete E, Munteanu CR, Pazos A, et al. MIANN models in medicinal, physical and organic chemistry. Curr Top Med Chem. 2013;13(5):619-41es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] Reducing costs in terms of time, animal sacrifice, and material resources with computational methods has become a promising goal in Medicinal, Biological, Physical and Organic Chemistry. There are many computational techniques that can be used in this sense. In any case, almost all these methods focus on few fundamental aspects including: type (1) methods to quantify the molecular structure, type (2) methods to link the structure with the biological activity, and others. In particular, MARCH-INSIDE (MI), acronym for Markov Chain Invariants for Networks Simulation and Design, is a well-known method for QSAR analysis useful in step (1). In addition, the bio-inspired Artificial-Intelligence (AI) algorithms called Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are among the most powerful type (2) methods. We can combine MI with ANNs in order to seek QSAR models, a strategy which is called herein MIANN (MI & ANN models). One of the first applications of the MIANN strategy was in the development of new QSAR models for drug discovery. MIANN strategy has been expanded to the QSAR study of proteins, protein-drug interactions, and protein-protein interaction networks. In this paper, we review for the first time many interesting aspects of the MIANN strategy including theoretical basis, implementation in web servers, and examples of applications in Medicinal and Biological chemistry. We also report new applications of the MIANN strategy in Medicinal chemistry and the first examples in Physical and Organic Chemistry, as well. In so doing, we developed new MIANN models for several self-assembly physicochemical properties of surfactants and large reaction networks in organic synthesis. In some of the new examples we also present experimental results which were not published up to date.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación; CTQ2009-07733es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad del Pais Vasco; UFI11/22es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad del Pais Vasco; GIU 0946es_ES
dc.relation.uri 10.2174/1568026611313050006es_ES
dc.rightsThe published manuscript is avaliable at Eureka Selectes_ES
dc.subjectArtificial neural networkses_ES
dc.subjectOrganic reaction networkses_ES
dc.subjectDrug-target networkses_ES
dc.subjectProtein interaction networkses_ES
dc.subjectMultitarget QSARes_ES
dc.subjectSurfactant QSPR modelses_ES
dc.titleMIANN models in medicinal, physical and organic chemistryes_ES
UDC.journalTitleCurrent Topics in Medicinal Chemistryes_ES
UDC.departamentoCiencias da Computación e Tecnoloxías da Información
UDC.grupoInvRedes de Neuronas Artificiais e Sistemas Adaptativos -Informática Médica e Diagnóstico Radiolóxico (RNASA - IMEDIR)

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