Mostrando ítems 16-20 de 26

    • An Efficient Representation of Enriched Temporal Trajectories 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Fariña, Antonio; Otero-González, Diego; Varela Rodeiro, Tirso (SciTePress, 2021)
      [Abstract] We present a novel representation of enriched trajectories of a mobile workforce management system. In this system, employees are tracked during their working day and both their routes and the tasks performed ...
    • Exploiting Computation-Friendly Graph Compression Methods for Adjacency-Matrix Multiplication 

      Francisco, Alexandre P.; Gagie, Travis; Ladra, Susana; Navarro, Gonzalo (IEEE Computer Society, 2018-03)
      [Abstract] Computing the product of the (binary) adjacency matrix of a large graph with a real-valued vector is an important operation that lies at the heart of various graph analysis tasks, such as computing PageRank. In ...
    • Towards a Non-Functional Requirements Discovery Approach for Persuasive Systems 

      Condori Fernández, Nelly; Araujo, Joao; Catalá, Alejandro; Lago, Patricia (Association for Computing Machinery, 2020-03-30)
      [Abstract] A number of software systems that attempt to help people achieve behavior change have been proposed in various domains such as health and wellness. However, sometimes, such systems have failed to provide a ...
    • Improved Compressed String Dictionaries 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Cerdeira-Pena, Ana; Bernardo, Guillermo de; Navarro, Gonzalo (ACM, 2019-11-03)
      [Abstract] We introduce a new family of compressed data structures to efficiently store and query large string dictionaries in main memory. Our main technique is a combination of hierarchical Front-coding with ideas from ...
    • Design of Mutation Operators for Testing Geographic Information Systems 

      Alvarado, Suilen H. (M D P I AG, 2019-08-06)
      [Abstract] In this article, we propose the definition of specific mutation operators for testing Geographic Information Systems. We describe the process for applying the operators and generating mutants, and present a case ...