Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Vessel Tree Extraction and Depth Estimation with OCT Images
(Springer, 2016-09-08)
[Absctract]: The identification of the retinal arterio-venular tree is a relevant issue for its analysis in a large variability of procedures. Classical methodologies employ 2D acquisition strategies that obtain a limited ...
3D Retinal Vessel Tree Segmentation and Reconstruction with OCT Images
(Springer, 2016-07-01)
[Absctract]: Detection and analysis of the arterio-venular tree of the retina is a relevant issue, providing useful information in procedures such as the diagnosis of different pathologies. Classical approaches for vessel ...
Herramienta informática para la visualización 3D interactiva de la estructura vascular de la retina
[Resumen]: Introducción: Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica (OCT) (método de diagnóstico e imágenes tomográficas de la retina). Análisis de la estructura vascular de la retina (diagnóstico de diferentes enfermedades). Estado ...