Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Increasing Wild Boar Density Explains the Decline of a Montagu’s Harrier Population on a Protected Coastal Wetland
(Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, 2021-07-19)
[Abstract] We studied the rapid decline in the number of breeding pairs (geometric growth rate λ = 0.86; 14 % annual decrease) of a semi–colonial ground–nesting bird of prey, the Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus), after ...
Stick Supply to Nests by Cliff-Nesting Raptors as an Evolutionary Load of Past Tree-Nesting
(Queen's University, 2019)
[Abstract] The supply of sticks to cliff nests by many European raptors has been explained only as a functional means of decreasing ectoparasite loads in nests and for signalling nest occupancy. We provide here a historical ...
Pax Romana: ‘Refuge Abandonment’ and Spread of Fearless Behavior in a Reconciling World
(Wiley, 2019-02-05)
[Abstract] Intense human persecution of wildlife in the past selected for shy individuals that survived in suboptimal refuge habitats. It appears that this long-term conflict is coming to an end in southern Europe, where ...
Ecological Consequences of Human Depopulation of Rural Areas on Wildlife: A Unifying Perspective
(Elsevier, 2020-11-10)
[Abstract] The depopulation of rural areas by humans (or rural exodus) in southern Europe, and the associated abandonment of cropland, had marked ecological consequences on wildlife, which became evident approximately ...
The Selection of Anthropogenic Habitat by Wildlife as an Ecological Consequence of Rural Exodus: Empirical Examples From Spain
(Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, 2021-06-18)
[Abstract] The increasing urbanization of the landscape is a major component of global change worldwide. However, it is puzzling that wildlife is selecting anthropogenic habitats despite the availability of apparently ...