Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Sorting the Riddle of the Neanderthal to Anatomically Modern Human Boundary in Sopeña (Asturias, Spain): New Dates and a Preliminar Bayesian Analysis
(Elsevier, 2022-09-02)
[Abstract] Sopeña is a limestone shelter in the northern slopes of the Cantabrian range of mountains of northern Spain. A long sequence of in situ nearly undisturbed archaeological strata has been documented there, including ...
Neanderthal Use of Animal Bones as Retouchers at the Level XV of the Sopeña Rock Shelter (Asturias, Northern Spain)
(Wiley, 2023-12-14)
[Abstract] Bone retouchers are a technological appliance used to perfect lithic tools efficiently. They are most frequently found in Middle Palaeolithic contexts. In this paper, we present a group of bone retouchers from ...
Veinte años desde el descubrimiento del yacimiento paleolítico de la cueva Sopeña (Onís, Asturias, España)
(UNED, 2022)
[Resumen] El yacimiento paleolítico de Sopeña fue descubierto en el año 2001. Desde entonces, un sondeo y varias campañas de excavación han revelado una secuencia de 17 niveles arqueológicos. Los seis inferiores (niveles ...