Browsing IUX-CULXEO - Artigos by Title
Now showing items 35-54 of 64
Neanderthal Use of Animal Bones as Retouchers at the Level XV of the Sopeña Rock Shelter (Asturias, Northern Spain)
(Wiley, 2023-12-14)[Abstract] Bone retouchers are a technological appliance used to perfect lithic tools efficiently. They are most frequently found in Middle Palaeolithic contexts. In this paper, we present a group of bone retouchers from ... -
New Model of Coastal Evolution in the Ria de Vigo (NW Spain) from MIS2 to Present Day Based on the Aeolian Sedimentary Record
(MDPI, 2022)[Abstract] Galician Rias are fluvial valleys that were flooded during the last marine transgression in the Atlantic margin. The study of fossil dunes in the Cies Islands, a small archipelago in the mouth of the one of the ... -
Nota sobre la última transgresión marina en la costa de Galicia
(2018)[Resumen] Desde el final del Pleistoceno hace 12.700 años hasta el día de hoy se están produciendo efectos dramáticos en toda la orla litoral de la costa de Galicia debidos esencialmente al ascenso del nivel del mar en ... -
On the Genesis of Aluminum-Rich Speleothems in a Granite Cave of NW Spain
(Union Internationale de Spéléologie, 2021-02-22)[Abstract] Granite massifs often contain caves, with dimensions ranging from a few meters up to 1,000 m, also referred to as pseudokarst. The speleothems in such caves are mostly composed of either Si-rich (commonly opal-A) ... -
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Mortar Dating Inter-Comparison Study. The Second Round of Modis, Mortar Dating Inter-Comparison Study
(Cambridge University Press, 2024)[Abstract] After an intercomparison age experiment carried out in the framework of the first MODIS (MOrtar Dating Inter-comparison Study) project, the results showed general agreement both between optically stimulated ... -
OSL dating of mortars from constructive phases of the old chapel San Breixo de Ouvigo (NW Spain)
(IOP Publishing, 2022-04-28)[Abstract] The use of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating on ancient mortars have provided increasing knowledge of the history of buildings in the last years. In this work, we apply OSL dating on mortars of a ... -
Paleogenomic evidence for multi-generational mixing between Neolithic farmers and Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in the lower Danube basin
(Cell, 2017-05-25)[Abstract] The transition from hunting and gathering to farming involved profound cultural and technological changes. In Western and Central Europe, these changes occurred rapidly and synchronously after the arrival of ... -
Post-glacial Colonization of Western Europe Brown Bears From a Cryptic Atlantic Refugium Out of the Iberian Peninsula
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-10-04)[Abstract] The European brown bear (Ursus arctos) shows a particular phylogeography that has been used to illustrate the model for contraction-expansion dynamics related to glacial refugia in Southern European peninsulas. ... -
Post-glacial Evolution of Alpine Environments in the Western Mediterranean Region: The Laguna Seca Record
(Elsevier, 2022-01-18)[Abstract] In an effort to understand how alpine environments from the western Mediterranean region responded to climate variations since the last glacial-interglacial transition, a detailed chronological control and ... -
El proceso de fabricación de los cuencos con borde biselado mesopotámicos. Nuevas aportaciones desde la arqueología experimental
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2021-10-07)[Resumen] Los cuencos con borde biselado constituyen un signo de identidad de la cultura de Uruk en Mesopotamia y de su expansión territorial en otras regiones limítrofes de Oriente Próximo, durante la segunda mitad del ... -
Rapid deglaciation of the La Vega gorge (Sierra de Gredos, Iberian Peninsula) at the end of the global Last Glacial Maximum
(Wiley, 2024)[Abstract] Previous studies from the Iberian Central System and other mountains of the Iberian Peninsula and Europe suggest that deglaciation in this area occurred at the end or immediately after the global Last Glacial ... -
Remote operations could be the future for Earth Sciences teaching: a speculative discussion
(MDPI, 2020-12-01)[Abstract] The current COVID-19 pandemic has created havoc in the regular workings of many institutions, such as those dedicated to teaching; therefore, there is an urge for alternatives to traditional face-to-face teaching. ... -
Residents’ Perceptions Regarding the Implementation of a Tourist Tax at a UNESCO World Heritage Site: A Cluster Analysis of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
(MDPI, 2022-01-25)[Abstract] Even though the residents’ perceptions on the tourist activity have been thoroughly investigated in the last three decades, there are still few similar studies on destinations that are listed as UNESCOWorld ... -
Rigor científico en películas recientes de catástrofes. Validación de materiales para el profesorado de geología
(Asociación Universitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 2020-03-17)[Resumen] Estudios previos demuestran que el uso de películas en el aula incrementa la retención de información, aunque su falta de rigor científico debe ser evaluada, evitando integrar errores en la base de conocimiento ... -
Rock Features and Alteration of Stone Materials Used for the Built Environment: A Review of Recent Publications on Ageing Tests
(MDPI AG, 2020-02-28)[Abstract] This work presents a review of recent publications, with publication date between 2017 and 2019, with information on the relation between rock characteristics and the effects of diverse agents associated with ... -
Salt Weathering of Natural Stone: A Review of Comparative Laboratory Studies
(MDPI, 2021-08-03)[Abstract] Natural stone is an important component of historical heritage (buildings and art objects such as sculptures or rock engravings), and it is still widely used in contemporary works. Soluble salts are the main ... -
Un singular ambiente doméstico del Hierro I en el interior de la península ibérica: la casa 1 del Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca, España)
(CSIC, 2022-12-12)[Resumen] Se presentan los resultados de las excavaciones (2006, 2017 y 2021) en un sector de la aldea del Hierro I del Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca). Se ha exhumado un agregado informal de edificios y estructuras ... -
Social elite from the power centre of Late Antique Gallaecia? Revisiting San Bartolomé de Rebordáns (Tui, Spain)
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2023)[Abstract] In this paper, we discuss novel and existing archaeological data from the San Bartolomé de Rebordáns site (Tui, Spain) that suggest the importance of Tude as a place of power in the Late Antique Sueve Gallaecia ... -
Sorting the Riddle of the Neanderthal to Anatomically Modern Human Boundary in Sopeña (Asturias, Spain): New Dates and a Preliminar Bayesian Analysis
(Elsevier, 2022-09-02)[Abstract] Sopeña is a limestone shelter in the northern slopes of the Cantabrian range of mountains of northern Spain. A long sequence of in situ nearly undisturbed archaeological strata has been documented there, including ... -
Stable Isotopes and Herding Strategies in Middle Uruk Period in Tell Humeida (Syrian Euphrates Valley)
(MDPI, 2023)[Abstract] The techniques of agriculture and animal husbandry at Tell Humeida, a Middle Uruk Period (Late Chalcolithic) site on the middle Syrian Euphrates, were studied using stable isotopes of bone collagen of domestic ...