Browsing IUX-CULXEO - Artigos by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 64
A western route of prehistoric human migration from Africa into the Iberian Peninsula
(The Royal Society, 2019-01-23)[Abstract] Being at the western fringe of Europe, Iberia had a peculiar prehistory and a complex pattern of Neolithization. A few studies, all based on modern populations, reported the presence of DNA of likely African ... -
Absolute dating of construction materials and petrological characterisation of mortars from the Santalla de Bóveda Monument (Lugo, Spain)
(Springer, 2024)[Abstract] The construction materials of the Santalla de Bóveda Monument, one of the most studied buildings in Galicia (Spain), are analysed to date the mortars and bricks of walls and vaults by combining three dating ... -
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering Assessment of Gamma Radiation Hazards Related to Geologic Materials: Comparison of Results by Field Gamma Spectrometry and Laboratory Methods
(Wiley, 2018)[Abstract] Geologic materials are a potential source of external gamma radiation in buildings due to the presence of radioisotopes (40K and isotopes from U and Th decay families). The contents of these radioisotopes can ... -
Aeolization on the Atlantic Coast of Galicia (NW Spain) From the End of the Last Glacial Period to the Present Day: Chronology, Origin and Evolution of Coastal Dunes Linked to Sea-Level Oscillations
(Wiley, 2022-10-05)[Abstract] The Atlantic coast of Galicia (NW Spain) is a high-energy environment where shingle beaches are currently developing. These coarser sediments alternate with sandy deposits which are also considered as beaches ... -
An Interdisciplinary Study of Early Mediaeval Churches in North-Western Spain (Galicia)
(MDPI, 2019-02-12)[Abstract:] Over the last five years, the EMCHAHE (Early Medieval Churches: History, Archaeology and Heritage) Project has analysed the architecture, archaeology and history of numerous rural churches of the High Middle ... -
An Overview of the Use of Absolute Dating Techniques in Ancient Construction Materials
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2016)[Abstract] The reconstruction of the chronology of historical buildings is a tricky issue, as usually there are not historical documents that allow the assessment of construction phases, and some materials are hardly ... -
Arqueología y arquitectura de San Martiño de Mondoñedo (Foz, Lugo). Revisión crítica y nuevas aportaciones
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2019)[Resumen] En este trabajo se pretende, en primer lugar, revisar y analizar de forma crítica y comparada toda la información histórico-artística y arqueológica existente sobre San Martiño de Mondoñedo, para posteriormente ... -
Arranca TEHIC, un proyecto Erasmus+ sobre la formación en interpretación de patrimonio
(Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico (IAPH), 2023-06-09)[Resumen] En febrero de 2023 tuvo lugar en el IAPH (Sevilla) la reunión de lanzamiento del proyecto Erasmus + TEHIC, Towards a European Heritage Interpretation Curriculum, que apoya la formación y la profesionalización de ... -
Assessment by portable gamma spectrometry of external gamma radiation hazard due to granitic materials and indoor space typology
(Multidisciplinary Dixital Publishing Institute, 2017-12-14)[Abstract] Building materials can contribute to ionizing radiation hazards due to their variable content in radioactive isotopes. Uranium, thorium, and potassium radioisotopes are present in various building materials due ... -
Bacteria, guano and soot: source assessment of organic matter preserved in black laminae in stalagmites from caves of the Sierra de Atapuerca (N Spain)
(Union Internationale de Spéléologie, 2021-04-14)[Abstract] Speleothems are a recognized source of paleoclimatic information, but their value as a source of signals from human activities in caves with an archaeological record has rarely been explored. Previous studies ... -
Biomechanical simulations reveal a trade-off between adaptation to glacial climate and dietary niche versatility in European cave bears
(American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2020-04-01)[Abstract] The cave bear is one of the best known extinct large mammals that inhabited Europe during the “Ice Age,” becoming extinct ≈24,000 years ago along with other members of the Pleistocene megafauna. Long-standing ... -
Biomineral deposits and coatings on stone monuments as biodeterioration fingerprints
(Elsevier, 2024)[Abstract] Biominerals deposition processes, also called biomineralisation, are intimately related to biodeterioration on stone surfaces. They include complex processes not always completely well understood. The study of ... -
Characterising the Cave Bear Ursus Spelaeus Rosenmüller by Zooms: A Review of Peptide Mass Fingerprinting Markers
(Cambridge University Press, 2023-02-27)[Abstract] In the last decade, the identification of bone fragments by peptide mass fingerprinting or zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry is developing as a powerful tool in Quaternary palaeontology. The sequence of amino ... -
Chronology of Coastal Alluvial Deposits in The Ria de Coruña (NW Spain) Linked to the Upper Pleistocene Sea Level Regression
(MDPI, 2022-10-04)[Abstract] The Ria de Coruña (NW Spain) is a wide estuary recently formed by the flooding of the Mero fluvial valley lowlands during the last postglacial transgression. During the last glacial episode, with the sea level ... -
Chronology of Four Climbing Dune Outcrops on the Atlantic Coast of Galicia (NW Spain) Linked to the Sea Level Fall during the MIS6 and MIS4 Isotopic Stages
(MDPI, 2022-02-23)[Abstract] Numerous sandy deposits, interpreted as the remains of old climbing dunes, are preserved on the cliffy coast of Galicia (northwest Spain). These deposits can be found both in open coastal areas and in the interior ... -
Colloidal and thermal behaviors of some venezuelan kaolin pastes for therapeutic applications
(MDPI, 2019-12-04)[Abstract] This work contributes to the knowledge of colloidal and thermal properties of some important primary-originated kaolin deposits from Bolivar State, Venezuela, and their possible use as semisolid formulations in ... -
Comparative Study of Deterioration in Built Heritage in a Coastal Area: Barbanza Peninsula (Galicia, NW Spain)
(MDPI, 2023)[Abstract] The Barbanza Peninsula (Galicia, NW Spain) is located on the west coast of Galicia. It is a narrow tongue of terrain with an area of 416 km2 and a high altitudinal gradient, with the top having a maximum height ... -
Covering layers on granite buildings of northwestern Iberian Peninsula: when observable characteristics and lab characterization do not match
(MDPI, 2020-02-04)[Abstract] Illustrated glossaries on stone pathologies help to describe deterioration forms in built heritage without resorting to any laboratory analyses. In this way, terms such as crust, deposit, and soiling which ... -
De Mari a Babilonia: ciudades fortificadas en la antigua Mesopotamia
(Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2022)[Resumen] Las ciudades mesopotámicas estaban amuralladas desde sus orígenes. Muralla y ciudad, símbolo de civilización, eran dos conceptos inseparables. Por mandato de los dioses, el rey era el responsable de la fundación ... -
Dogs and Foxes in Early-Middle Bronze Age Funerary Structures in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula: Human Control of Canid Diet at the Sites of Can Roqueta (Barcelona) and Minferri (Lleida)
(Springer, 2019-01-14)[Abstract] Findings of canid remains in graves at different sites in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula are evidence of a widespread funerary practice that proliferated between the end of the 3rd and the 2nd millennium ...