Now showing items 31-40 of 253
Sparse Householder QR factorization on a mesh
(IEEE Computer Society, 1996-01)
[Abstract] We analyze the parallelization of QR factorization by means of Householder transformations. This parallelization is carried out on a machine with a mesh topology (a 2-D torus to be more precise). We use a cyclic ...
Truncated SIMD Multiplier Architecture for Approximate Computing in Low-Power Programmable Processors
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019)
[Abstract]: Approximate computing has been exploited for many years in application-specific architectures. Recently, it has also been proposed for low-power programmable processors. However, this poses some challenges as, ...
CUDA-JMI: Acceleration of feature selection on heterogeneous systems
(Elsevier, 2020-01)
[Abstract]: Feature selection is a crucial step nowadays in machine learning and data analytics to remove irrelevant and redundant characteristics and thus to provide fast and reliable analyses. Many research works have ...
A new thread-level speculative automatic parallelization model and library based on duplicate code execution
(Springer Nature, 2024-03-11)
Loop-efficient automatic parallelization has become increasingly relevant due to the growing number of cores in current processors and the programming effort needed to parallelize codes in these systems efficiently. However, ...
Comparison of Hardwired and Microprogrammed Statechart Implementations
(MDPI, 2020)
[Abstract]: In scientific facilities such as particle accelerators, fast and jitter-free synchronization is required in order to trigger a large number of actuators at the right time in a variety of situations. The behaviour ...
Floating Point Calculation of the Cube Function on FPGAs
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023)
[Abstract]: Specialized arithmetic units allow fast and efficient computation of lesser used mathematical functions. The overall impact of those units would be negligible in a general purpose processor, as added circuitry ...
Fiuncho: a program for any-order epistasis detection in CPU clusters
(Springer, 2022)
[Abstract]: Epistasis can be defined as the statistical interaction of genes during the expression of a phenotype. It is believed that it plays a fundamental role in gene expression, as individual genetic variants have ...
High-speed exhaustive 3-locus interaction epistasis analysis on FPGAs
(Elsevier B.V., 2015-07)
[Abstract]: Epistasis, the interaction between genes, has become a major topic in molecular and quantitative genetics. It is believed that these interactions play a significant role in genetic variations causing complex ...
Serverless-like platform for container-based YARN clusters
(Elsevier, 2024-06)
[Abstract]: Serverless computing is an emerging paradigm that has gained a lot of relevance in recent years, as it allows users to consume computing resources without worrying about the underlying infrastructure and pay ...
BigDEC: A multi-algorithm Big Data tool based on the k-mer spectrum method for scalable short-read error correction
(Elsevier, 2024-05)
[Abstract]: Despite the significant improvements in both throughput and cost provided by modern Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) platforms, sequencing errors in NGS datasets can still degrade the quality of downstream ...