Now showing items 251-253 of 253
Sparse Givens QR Factorization on a Multiprocessor
(IEEE Computer Society, 1996-06-01)
We present a parallel algorithm for the QR factorization with column pivoting of a sparse matrix by means of Givens rotations. Nonzero elements of the matrix M to be decomposed are stored in a one dimensional ...
An Inspector-Executor Algorithm for Irregular Assignment Parallelization
(Springer, 2004)
[Abstract] A loop with irregular assignment computations contains loop-carried output data dependences that can only be detected at run-time. In this paper, a load-balanced method based on the inspector-executor model is ...
Big data storage technologies: a case study for web-based LiDAR visualization
(IEEE, 2018)
[Abstract]: Big data technologies have been growing up quickly during past years. New storage and computing solutions appear while those already established in the market are improved with new features and better performance. ...