Now showing items 1-10 of 123
Impact of Lymphedema on Foot-Health-Related Quality of Life: A Case-Control Investigation
(Wolters Kluwer, 2024-07)
[Abstract] OBJECTIVE
To evaluate the foot-health-related quality of life in individuals with versus without lower-limb lymphedema.
A case-control study was carried out in an academic clinic in Lisbon, Portugal. ...
The relationship of kinesiophobia in patients with lymphedema: a case-control investigation
(Frontiers, 2024-02)
[Abstract] Kinesiophobia and lymphedema appear to be related conditions, and it is important to understand this relationship, as many of the symptoms and comorbidities presented by individuals with lower limb lymphedema ...
Influence of quality of life related to perceived foot health between in a rural an urban population: A case–control research
(Wiley, 2024)
[Abstract]: Foot problems are very common in the community. Studies indicate that between 18% and 63% of people have foot pain or stiffness and that foot problems have a large impact on people's functional decline and a ...
Assessment and indicators of hallux limitus related with quality of life and foot health in school children
(Frontiers, 2023-12)
[Abstract] Background: Functional Hallux Limitus (FHL) is a dynamic foot dysfunction
characterized by a limitation of hallux dorsiflexion when the first metatarsal head
is under load. FHL plays a role in the development ...
Effect of foot health-related quality of life in rural population: A case-control study
(Elsevier, 2023-08)
[Abstract] Background: Foot health problems can affect quality of life and general health producing a source of discomfort
and pain. Low levels of foot health-related quality of life (HRQoL) are present in patients with ...
The Effectiveness of Hard Insoles for Plantar Pressure in Cycling: A Crossover Study
(MDPI, 2023-07-08)
[Abstract] Background: Hard insoles have been proposed to decrease plantar pressure and prevent
foot pain and paresthesia due to repetitive loading. The aim of this research was to analyze the effect
of three different ...
Effects of Foot Structure Type on Core Stability in University Athletes
(MDPI, 2023-06-30)
[Abstract] Purpose: This study assessed the impact of different types of medial foot arch on postural
stability and core center of gravity muscle activity among collegiate athletes. Methods: The study
sample included 103 ...
Hallux Limitus Influence on Plantar Pressure Variations during the Gait Cycle: A Case-Control Study
(MDPI, 2023-06-27)
´[Abstract] Background: Hallux limitus is a common foot disorder whose incidence has increased
in the school-age population. Hallux limitus is characterized by musculoskeletal alteration that
involves the metatarsophalangeal ...
Variability of the lower limb symmetry index associated with the gait parameters in the overweight adult population with flatfoot: a case-control study
(Frontiers, 2023-06)
[Abstract] Background: Adult acquired flatfoot is characterized by a medial arch collapse
during monopodal support in the stance phase, developing eversion of the
calcaneus and abduction of the forefoot linked to the ...
Analysis of Static Plantar Pressures in School-Age Children with and without Functional Hallux Limitus: A Case-Control Study
(MDPI, 2023-05)
[Abstract] Abstract: Background: The presence of hallux limitus in adulthood is frequently encountered in clinical
practice, generating other biomechanical, structural, and functional compensations in dynamics
secondary ...