Now showing items 1-10 of 155
Utilización de fílleres alternativos y sostenibles en microaglomerados en frío
tratamientos de microaglomerados
coloreados. Sin embargo, estos autores no analizaron el efecto del uso de tóner sobre el
rendimiento de los microaglomerados. Según algunos autores, una mayor investigación sobre el
uso de estos materiales alternativos podría...
alcance de la investigación En la presente comunicación se ha comparado el desempeño de los MICROF elaborados con el polvo mineral más habitualmente utilizado, el cemento Portland, con el desempeño de varios MICROF elaborados con diversos polvos...
alcance de la investigación En la presente comunicación se ha comparado el desempeño de los MICROF elaborados con el polvo mineral más habitualmente utilizado, el cemento Portland, con el desempeño de varios MICROF elaborados con diversos polvos...
A stress–temperature superposition approach to study the nonlinear resilient behavior of cold recycled mixtures (CRM) with active filler addition
(Elsevier, 2023)
[Abstract:] The asphalt paving sector is currently embracing and enhancing cold mixture technologies to reduce carbon emissions and decarbonize its operations. Cold recycled mixtures (CRM) have proven to be a promising ...
Laboratory and field performances of grave emulsion manufactured using nanocellulose crystals as an asphalt-emulsion emulsifier
(Taylor & Francis, 2023)
[Abstract:] This research examines the feasibility of substituting commercial emulsifiers made by the chemical and petrochemical industries with nanocellulose. To achieve this, various bitumen emulsions are created using ...
Laboratory evaluation of environmentally friendly alternative mineral powders for micro-surfacing treatments manufacture
(Elsevier, 2023)
[Abstract:] The effectiveness of using alternative environmentally friendly and cost-effective mineral powders to manufacture micro-surfacing treatments is examined. Four mineral powders (calcium carbonate, dolomite, PAVAL, ...
Comportamiento mecánico de mezclas bituminosas recicladas en frío con emulsión: sostenibilidad y economía circular en el sector de la pavimentación
(Asociación Española de la Carretera, 2023)
[Resumen:] Durante esta investigación, se analizó el comportamiento de mezclas bituminosas recicladas en frío con emulsión bituminosa y 100% de material fresado (RAP). Se evaluaron su compactabilidad y propiedades volumétricas y mecánicas...
[Abstract:] This research analyzed the behavior of cold recycled bituminous mixtures with bitumen emulsion and 100% reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). Their compactability, volumetric and mechanical properties were evaluated, considering different design methods and types of RAP. Triaxial tests assessed the stiffness development during the curing time, shear strength parameters, and permanent deformation response. The results allowed for the adjustment of nonlinear behavior models, which were used in numerical analyses to predict the response of rehabilitated sections. After 7 days of curing, the recycled mixtures demonstrated sufficient stiffness, and the performance of the rehabilitated sections was particularly suitable with semi-rigid subbases....
[Abstract:] This research analyzed the behavior of cold recycled bituminous mixtures with bitumen emulsion and 100% reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). Their compactability, volumetric and mechanical properties were evaluated, considering different design methods and types of RAP. Triaxial tests assessed the stiffness development during the curing time, shear strength parameters, and permanent deformation response. The results allowed for the adjustment of nonlinear behavior models, which were used in numerical analyses to predict the response of rehabilitated sections. After 7 days of curing, the recycled mixtures demonstrated sufficient stiffness, and the performance of the rehabilitated sections was particularly suitable with semi-rigid subbases....
Evaluation of water loss and stiffness increase in cold recycled mixes during curing
(Elsevier, 2023)
[Abstract:] Implementing cold solutions is one of the primary efforts in the road sector to counteract CO2 emissions and climate change. Using cold recycled mixtures (CRM) permits the reuse of up to 100% of reclaimed asphalt ...
Numerical Simulation of the Stiffness Evolution With Curing of Pavement Sections Rehabilitated Using Cold In-Place Recycling Technology
(Elsevier, 2022)
[Abstract] Cold in-place recycling (CIR) technologies are becoming one of the main bets in the road sector to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This technique also contributes to the circular economy, ...
Comparison of accelerated laboratory curing and maturation under uncontrolled conditions of gravel emulsions using a nonlinear weighted least-squares predictive model
(Taylor & Francis, 2022)
[Abstract:] Cold-asphalt mixtures (CAMs) are evolved materials whose mechanical strength increases with their maturation. The relationship between CAM field maturation and laboratory-accelerated cure procedures is not well ...
Short-Term Resilient Behaviour and Its Evolution With Curing in Cold In-Place Recycled Asphalt Mixtures
(Elsevier, 2022)
[Abstract] This study evaluates the short-term resilient behaviour of cold in-place recycled (CIR) asphalt mixtures with bitumen emulsion when they are more similar to non-cohesive granular materials than to conventional ...
Use of lignocellulosic liquid waste from wood hardboard manufacture as bitumen emulsion extender for cold asphalt mixtures for low traffic roads
[Abstract:] During the wet process of manufacturing wood hardboards, a large amount of water contaminated with lignocellulosic waste is generated. With the aim of promoting the circular economy, it is interesting to find ...