Now showing items 1-10 of 101
Parallel Sparse Modified Gram-Schmidt QR Decomposition
(Springer, 1996)
[Abstract] We present a parallel computational method for the QR decomposition with column pivoting of a sparse matrix by means of Modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Nonzero elements of the matrix M to be decomposed ...
Non-blocking Java Communications Support on Clusters
(Springer, 2006)
[Abstract] This paper presents communication strategies for supporting efficient non-blocking Java communication on clusters. The communication performance is critical for the overall cluster performance. It is possible ...
Design and Implementation of MapReduce using the PGAS Programming Model with UPC
(IEEE Computer Society, 2012-01-03)
[Abstract] MapReduce is a powerful tool for processing large data sets used by many applications running in distributed environments. However, despite the increasing number of computationally intensive problems that require ...
Servet: A Benchmark Suite for Autotuning on Multicore Clusters
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2010-05-24)
[Abstract] MapReduce is a powerful tool for processing large data sets used by many applications running in distributed environments. However, despite the increasing number of computationally intensive problems that require ...
Optimizing Coherence Traffic in Manycore Processors Using Closed-Form Caching/Home Agent Mappings
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-02-09)
Manycore processors feature a high number of general-purpose cores designed to work in a multithreaded fashion. Recent manycore processors are kept coherent using scalable distributed directories. A paramount ...
Performance Optimization of a Parallel Error Correction Tool
(MDPI, 2021)
[Abstract] Due to the continuous development in the field of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies that have allowed researchers to take advantage of greater genetic samples in less time, it is a matter of relevance ...
NPB-MPJ: NAS Parallel Benchmarks Implementation for Message-Passing in Java
(IEEE Computer Society, 2009-05-08)
[Abstract] Java is a valuable and emerging alternative for the development of parallel applications, thanks to the availability of several Java message-passing libraries and its full multithreading support. The combination ...
MREv: An Automatic MapReduce Evaluation Tool for Big Data Workloads
(Elsevier, 2015)
[Abstract]: The popularity of Big Data computing models like MapReduce has caused the emergence of many frameworks oriented to High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. The suitability of each one to a particular use case ...
Enabling Hardware Affinity in JVM-Based Applications: A Case Study for Big Data
(Springer, 2020)
[Abstract]: Java has been the backbone of Big Data processing for more than a decade due to its interesting features such as object orientation, cross-platform portability and good programming productivity. In fact, most ...
Parallel-FST: A feature selection library for multicore clusters
(Elsevier, 2022-11)
[Abstract]: Feature selection is a subfield of machine learning focused on reducing the dimensionality of datasets by performing a computationally intensive process. This work presents Parallel-FST, a publicly available ...