Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Understanding the Local Drivers of Beta-Diversity Patterns Under Climate Change: The Case of Seaweed Communities in Galicia, North West of the Iberian Peninsula
(Wiley, 2021-07-02)
[Abstract] Aim: To understand spatial-temporal changes (beta-diversity) in coastal communities and their drivers in the context of climate change. Coastal ecosystems are extremely exposed and dynamic, where changes in ...
Temperate Kelp Forest Collapse by Fish Herbivory: A Detailed Demographic Study
(Frontiers, 2022-01-31)
[Abstract] Kelps dominate rocky shores in temperate latitudes, acting as important foundation species. Recently, kelp forests have received growing attention for their decline around the world. Climate change is one of the ...
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Identify Priority Areas for the Monitoring of a Vulnerable Family of Fishes in Spanish Marine National Parks
(Springer Nature, 2021-01-21)
Background: Syngnathid fishes (Actinopterygii, Syngnathidae) are flagship species strongly associated with seaweed and seagrass habitats. Seahorses and pipefishes are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic and ...
Small but strong: Socioeconomic and ecological resilience of a small European fishing community affected by a submarine volcanic eruption
(Elsevier, 2022-03-28)
[Abstract] Small-scale coastal fishing communities are facing many new challenges, such as rapid ecological changes created by anthropogenic and natural events like earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. This paper explores ...
Structure and Trophic Niches in Mobile Epifauna Assemblages Associated With Seaweeds and Habitats of Syngnathid Fishes in Cíes Archipelago (Atlantic Islands Marine National Park, North West Iberia)
(Frontiers, 2021-11-11)
[Abstract] Syngnathids are vulnerable fishes closely associated with seaweeds and seagrass, which provide shelter and food resources. Even though most syngnathids commonly feed on small crustaceans, the feeding regimes may ...
Could the Annual Saccorhiza Polyschides Replace a Sympatric Perennial Kelp (Laminaria Ochroleuca) When It Comes to Supporting the Holdfast-Associated Fauna?
(Elsevier, 2022-10-22)
[Abstract] Kelp forests dominate temperate rocky shores worldwide but are declining globally with consequences for organisms that depend on them. In NW Iberia, the golden kelp (Laminaria ochroleuca) commonly occurs alongside ...
Species composition, distribution, and zonation patterns in the intertidal seaweed assemblages from Santo Antão, Cape Verde
(Elsevier, 2023)
[Abstract] Intertidal communities have been extensively studied for decades. Many of these studies have focused on macroalgae, as they are key components of many rocky coastal ecosystems. Despite this, there are
still ...
Assessing the Importance of Kelp Forests for Small-Scale Fisheries Under a Global Change Scenario
(Frontiers, 2022-09-20)
[Abstract] Kelp forests are critical habitats for temperate coasts that are experiencing dramatic declines worldwide in recent decades. Yet, even though they often support wildlife populations of high socioeconomic value, ...