Now showing items 1-10 of 23
Promoting Active Lifestyles in Schools. Effect of School Day on Daily Physical Activity Levels
[Abstract] Introduction: The effect of school day is a major factor in everyday rhythms during childhood and adolescence. The relevance of Physical Activity (PA) in school-aged children raises the need to: (a) analyse ...
Narrativas del alumnado de Educación Primaria sobre su bienestar escolar: un diagnóstico inicial
(Universidade de Vigo, 2022-04-30)
[Resumen] El interés por conocer el bienestar dentro de los centros educativos, sobre todo, desde la perspectiva de sus protagonistas, los niños y las niñas, ocupa un lugar central en la investigación actual. El objetivo ...
Modelo competencial del maestro en educación infantil
[Resumen] La formación inicial y permanente del maestro en Educación Infantil debe ajustarse a los retos educativos actuales respondiendo a las recomendaciones de la Unión Europea en materia competencial y a la necesidad ...
Motor Development among Spanish Preschool Children
[Abstract] The purpose of this study was to analyze motor development of Spanish preschoolers, taking into account sex and age, being an only child, prematurity, and the practice of extracurricular activities. The sample ...
Family Quality of Life and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Comparative Diagnosis of Needs and Impact on Family Life
[Abstract] Background: Families of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) face ongoing challenges
that can affect their family life. Helping those families cope with the impact of ASD and promote
more positive ...
Assessment of Adaptive Behavior in People with Autism Spectrum Disorders through the ICAP
(MDPI Open Access Journals, 2022-09-15)
[Abstract] Evaluating adaptive behavior in people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) requires attending to a set of cognitive processes associated with social interaction skills and functional communication that are ...
Reflections on a School for All: Perceptions of Families and Teachers Regarding the Culture, Policy, and Practice of Inclusion in Galicia
[Abstract] The aim was to understand their reality from an inclusive perspective and, subsequently, being able to establish some course of action for improvement. Within the framework of participatory, descriptive, ...
Recursos para el autoaprendizaje. Un análisis desde las ecologías de aprendizaje de los orientadores y las orientadoras
(Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Departamento de Pedagogía Aplicada), 2022)
[Resumen] Las ecologías de aprendizaje sitúan al individuo como aprendiz activo que autorregula su adquisición de nuevos conocimientos mediante el uso de recursos variados. Este estudio investiga los procesos de autoaprendizaje ...
How do Children Value Educational Inclusion? Opinions from Primary Schools
[Abstract] In the international context, the behaviors of educational exclusion hide in an atmosphere of apparent inclusion with multiple statements, policies, protocols, and programs. Student voice is a powerful tool for ...
El bienestar escolar desde la experiencia del alumnado de Educación Primaria
[Resum] La valoració de l’experiència de l’estudiant a l’escola a través dels seus judicis cognitius i els afectes, o la percepció que té sobre el seu funcionament positiu i les seves relacions amb uns altres influeixen ...