Now showing items 1-6 of 6
The expressive function in wor songs
[Abstract] We study some musical and expressive features of traditional Wor vocal music, an ancestral gender of the Biaks (Indonesia). A core aspect in Wor songs is the expression of wonder, which Biaks have developed into ...
Egyptian Fractional Numerals
(Widmaier Verlag Hamburg, 2015)
[Abstract] Egyptian fractional numerals are partitive expressions of two types: (a) A simple substantive specific for naming the natural fractions ‘half’ gs, ‘quarter’ hsb, ‘third’ r, ‘two thirds’ r.wj. (b) A complex ...
Plural indefinite descriptions with unos and the interpretation of number
(Walter De Gryter, 2007-12-21)
[Abstract] It has been noticed that indefinite descriptions with the Spanish determiner unos (plural-“one”) have a group denotation (Villalta 1994). That meaning has been explained within DRT (Laca and Tasmowski 1996, ...
Aspects of Multilingualism in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(Guerra Editore, 2008)
[Abstract] The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a multilingual country where 214 native languages (Ethnologue) are spoken among circa 68 million inhabitants (2008). The situations derived from the practice of a multilingual ...
Voice Prints
(Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2017)
[Resumen] La composición Voice Prints es un homenaje a nuestros antepasados y a las lenguas que emplearon para extender en bastos dominios grandes civilizaciones. ¿Ubi sunt? ¿Dónde están ahora nuestros poderosos antepasados? ...
The Descent of Man
(Universidadeda Coruña, 2009)
[Abstract] The DM is a sonic simulation of the origin and evolution of human language inspired in Darwin’s ”The Descent of Man” (1871) and his conjectures on the evolution of hominid species descendant of ancestral homo. ...