Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Toward a Broader Understanding of Split Alliances in Family Therapy: Adding the Therapist to the Mix
(Wiley, 2022-03)
[Abstract] To broaden our understanding of a split alliance in fam-ily therapy, we investigated the frequencies and correlates of sessions in which therapists, youth, and caregivers re-ported markedly different perceptions ...
Alliance and Treatment Outcome in Family-Involved Treatment for Youth Problems: A Three-Level Meta-analysis
(Springer Link, 2018-06)
[Abstract] Alliance has been shown to predict treatment outcome in family-involved treatment for youth problems in several studies. However, meta-analytic research on alliance in family-involved treatment is scarce, and ...
Measuring Perceptions of the Therapeutic Alliance in Individual, Family, and Group Therapy from a Systemic Perspective: Structural Validity of the SOFTA-s
(Wiley, 2020-06-26)
[Abstract] This study examined the multidimensional structure of the client and therapist versions of the self-report measure, System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances (SOFTA-s; Friedlander, Escudero, & Heatherington, ...
Mapping the progress of the process: codevelopment of the therapeutic alliance with maltreated adolescents
(American Psychological Association, 2022)
[Abstract] We used a longitudinal actor–partner interdependence model to examine the codeveloping alliance in alliance empowerment therapy (AET; Escudero, 2013), a manualized team-based approach developed in Spain specifically ...
Family therapy for maltreated youth: Can a strengthening therapeutic alliance empower change?
(American Psychological Association, 2023)
[Abstract] We tested the process of change in Alliance Empowerment Family Therapy (AEFT; Escudero, 2013), a systemic, team-based approach for treating child welfare involved families. Since building and balancing strong ...
Illustrating systemic change in family therapy: how therapists’ and clients’ alliance perceptions codevelop over time
(Taylor & Francis, 2022-05-12)
[Abstract]Research showing that caregivers’, adolescents’ and therapists’ perceptions of the therapeutic alliance become more similar over time has not examined conceptual models, like emotional contagion and interdependence, ...
Building an Expanded Therapeutic Alliance: A Task Analysis with Families Trapped in Parental-Adolescent Conflict
(Wiley, 2019-03-13)
[Abstract] Parental-adolescent conflict is part of the normal developmental cycle of families, but when it occurs in a dysfunctional way, it is associated with the appearance of various harmful conditions for the family ...