Now showing items 1-10 of 68
Linking ideas in women's writing: evidence from the Coruña Corpus
(Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2016)
[Abstract]This paper provides an overview of some rhetorical devices found in scientific works by late Modern English women.
We will focus on apparently marginal linguistic elements as devices fundamental for the expression ...
The Coruña Corpus Tool
(Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2007)
[Abstracts] The Coruña Corpus of scientific writing will be used for the diachronic study of scientific discourse from most linguistic levels and thereby contribute to the study of the historical development of English. ...
Writing science in urgent times: CoViD-19 and its impact on scientific writing
(De Gruyter, 2022-08)
[Abstract] : The urgent need for new knowledge as a result of the CoViD-19 pandemic has led to a significant increase in the amount of scientific writing on the topic. Various analyses of this phenomenon from different ...
Conditionals as interpersonal devices in Late Modern English women’s scientific writing
(Universitat Jaume I, 2023)
[Abstract] It is widely recognised that attaining best possible reception of one’s writing within the scientific community is among the main factors that contribute to the rhetorical profile of scientific prose. Authors ...
The Impact of Flipped Learning on Students’ Engagement and Satisfaction Development: A Cross-Country Action Research Study
(Vilnius Pedagogical University, 2022-12-30)
[Abstract] Action research has shown that using the Flipped classroom method, students
become more active and engaged in educational activities. The Flipped classroom method, used in the activity study, revealed that ...
Stance in the corpus of English life sciences texts: A vindication of text-reading
(Universitat Jaume I, 2023)
[Abstract] Stance in academic writing has been discussed extensively within the fields of discourse analysis andpragmatics (Alonso-Almeida, 2015; Hyland,2005; White, 2003). Thus, Hyland and Jiang (2016) identify certain ...
Analising the Coruña Corpus: Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity Markers
(Adam Mickiewicz University, 2022)
[Abstract] This paper aims to analyse the concepts of subjectivity and intersubjectivity in scientific writing through the use of stance adverbs perhaps and possibly. These adverbs act as markers of the authors’ presence ...
Astronomy, Philosophy, Life Sciences and History Texts: Setting the Scene for the Study of Modern Scientific Writing
(Routledge, 2020-06-12)
[Abstract] The aim of this paper is to offer a description of four of the existing subcorpora of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing. Both the principles of compilation and the sociolinguistic variables considered ...
“Arguments That Could Possibly Be Urged”: Modal Verbs and Tentativeness in the Coruña Corpus
[Abstract] This paper complements previous research into the late Modern English scientific writing uses of the adverbs possibly and perhaps as manifestations of either subjectivity or intersubjectivity, as presented in ...
Linguistic indicators of persuasion in female authors in the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts
(John Benjamins, 2021)
[Abstract] In this work it is my aim to offer a description of the way in which women used linguistic
devices denoting persuasion in samples that represent late Modern scientific writing, on
the one hand, that is to say, ...